Welcome to CFN® : Classy Features and News®
You know those moments when you’re running – whether you’re on a treadmill, or you’re running in life.
Sometimes, you increase the speed so much that you’re much faster than your “race pace”. Sometimes, you have to stop to take a break.
Stopping and starting is natural. We can’t beat ourselves up when we need a break. Sometimes, you need that time to renew.
The important thing is to get back on after that break. As Classy Lady Khit Masoud would ask you – how badly do you want it?
Get back on, and GO.
We’ve missed you, classy ladies! And we’re back.
On the last day of August, we can think about the last dog days of summer (or “swan” days of summer?), or we can think about the exciting things on our calendar this fall.
We always have a choice – to think about the past or to celebrate the future. Since the past is a known commodity, it can be easy to dwell on the past and fret on the future. As we embrace the last day of summer, let’s remember to live for the moment and to enjoy whatever will fall in our paths this fall.
Mondays are a good reminder to always look forward (as we all look forward to Friday, wink wink!). This week, though, Serena Williams will try to make history as the first person to win the four tennis Grand Slams since 1988. This week, the world will celebrate legendary neurologist Oliver Sacks’ life, and Swifties everywhere will play the “Wildest Dreams” music video on repeat (can you tell today’s edition of CFN® is Taylor Swift themed?).
It’ll be a great week. Have a great day!
One day into the week, and the markets have taken a large tumble.
Quick facts: did you know that the market tumbled over 1,000 points during the first six minutes of trading yesterday? Do you know that that drop is the largest intra-day drop in the market’s history?
Those facts make the market sound in free fall – which it isn’t – but it’s important for our classy ladies to feel informed about this. Many investors have been expecting a fall in stocks for a bit of time (which is natural: stocks rise then fall every so often). However, the large drop spooked many.
If you have any questions on the market, please let us know. We’re eager to hear what you’re itching to know. Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Happy Monday, classy ladies!
Mondays can be some of the hardest days to embrace – especially this Monday, as investors wake up to 8% stock declines in China and a US stock market that has fallen 10%.
Sometimes, Mondays can be easy to embrace if you have the right attitude or a checklist. Classy Lady Mel Malka uses the pictured checklist to conquer her bad day. Mel knows herself well enough to know when she needs water, sleep, or food to bring that frown upside down.
Investors may experience some frowns as global stock markets take a hit, but it’s all about attitude. Take a step back, embrace the Monday, and read on.
Every day, we get a fresh start. Twice a year, that fresh start feels more official: New Year’s and birthdays.
Birthdays are a bit more special than New Year’s, since this day is specifically about celebrating our life. We chose this day to show up in this world; it’s our day.
24 was a fun year: I met lots of new people, moved to New York, let New York go, enjoyed Chicago (finally went to a Blackhawks game), joined a new group, started a new job, and conquered many issues that 24 year olds regularly experience. (And did I figure life out just a little bit more? Maybe so.)
As I turn halfway to 50 (or “over the back nine”), I’ve reminded myself to embrace getting older and the life experiences ahead. It’s so easy to worry with each passing year – are we hitting certain life targets we thought we would be, what would have happened if we went down a certain road, what if I had felt a little braver at the time?
Now is the time to step up and embrace today – birthday or no birthday – to ignore the targets we’ve had in mind since we were little, to celebrate the journey that we’ve been given, to move forward from any mistakes, and to let go of the past.
Birthdays remind us to celebrate the day and to celebrate the journey. How are you celebrating yours?
Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Don’t let it “be Greek” to you.
A few days have passed, the summer sun has brought out the SPF, and your Instagram feed may be filled with Taylor Swift’s concert pictures. All of this is fun (and may fill any “blank space” you’ll find in a summer), and all of this has its place.
On a Monday morning, we hope our classy ladies take time to read the news and stay abreast of current events. Are the current events in Greece “Greek” to you? Are you silently hoping that your boss doesn’t ask for your opinions on the situation? Are you hoping that like all news, this story will also fall into obscurity?
CFN™ is here to make the news of the world make a little more sense – less Greek, more English. How can we make your experience even better? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
There’s no better time than a Monday morning to get caught up. Enjoy!
In the hard times, there can still be good.
It’s often hardest to see when we are the one enduring the bad times, but let’s think outside ourselves. Let’s think of the people of Nepal who are suffering from the worst earthquake in nearly a century. 10,000 people may ultimately be dead.
But as India Times writes, Nepal’s people aren’t giving up. They will not let this earthquake completely destroy them. An injured man is happy to find his baby. A man helps an injured senior. Children play in the rubble.
What Nepal is enduring is terrible and awful. We all need to keep Nepal in our thoughts and prayers. This article, though, is proof that the human spirit can endure, that we can choose to see the good amidst destruction, and that we always have the power to smile.
Beauty begins within.
Audrey Hepburn is one of the most beautiful people to have ever lived, but her beauty began in her heart. (Did you know she was a tireless advocate for children?)
Like Audrey, your beauty begins within. Your heart is ultimately reflective of how beautiful and how classy we are. Classy ladies all have good, wonderfully true hearts.
What are your thoughts on inner beauty? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Do you ever hear how busy people are?
We are all busy. It’s actually one of the greatest joys of life – we work hard, we give back, we have something to do. A full agenda keeps us motivated and appreciative of any vacation or down time. Being busy means job security, and it’ll keep you sharp.
Oftentimes, though, we hear people say they are so busy like it’s a bad thing. Certainly, we can overbook ourselves, but we need to be careful when we proclaim how busy we are.
Being busy is actually a gift – it is not an excuse. Being occupied means we have a purpose. If you don’t like that purpose, it’s up to you to change it.
What do you think? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Today, thousands will gather and celebrate the Boston Marathon.
In Boston, the day is known as “Marathon Monday”. The city essentially shuts down for its greatest event of the year. Most offices are closed as people cheer on the runners who run to achieve their marathon dreams.
We honor these runners. We honor the people of Boston who cheer them on, especially in the face of tragedy that struck two years ago. Despite tragedy, these runners and these citizens choose not to live in fear. Instead, they choose to celebrate.
We can learn from Boston each day. Take today to find your marathon (whatever that means for you) and live without fear.
If you need further inspiration, read about Rebekah in today’s Celebrate story.
Ever notice that you always have more of a fight left in you?
Of course, we don’t mean an argument. We mean the fighting power to achieve your dreams and to not anyone or anything get you down.
This week, I wanted to momentarily give up the fight (bad sinus infection), but with this week’s agenda, giving up simply wasn’t an option.
I said, “Get up! You’ve got to go make this happen!” That attitude change reminded me how powerful attitude is and how powerful we are.
You always have a fight left in you. You’re a classy lady. You sparkle when the world may even give you a reason not to shine.
In case you need a song to jazz up the fight that’s left in you, click here. (It’s been on repeat for the last 24 hours!)
Even if you aren’t a dog person, this video will absolutely warm your heart.
A teacup poodle named Nala navigates through a nursing home and says hello to each elderly resident. Without being led by a human (with the exception of a human pressing an elevator button!), Nala knows exactly who she would like to visit and when these beloved people need her most.
The residents share that Nala seemingly knew one of the residents would die that morning, since Nala sat with the resident and provided her comfort on the morning of her death.
We all need a Nala. Even if it’s hard for you to find who the “Nala” is in your life, watch this video. You’ll smile knowing that this Nala brings so much joy to the world.
This week, there are many tragedies to reflect on. Today is the anniversary of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. As the jury has now been selected for trial, many are thinking of the 2012 attacks in a movie theater, which killed 12 people in Colorado.
Another tragedy honors its 150 anniversary. After receiving a gunshot wound to the head, President Abraham Lincoln died on April 15, 2015.
Dearly beloved Abe wrote, “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” With that in mind, Boston will celebrate kindness across the city (citizens can tweet #OneBostonDay with random acts of kindness they experience or share). Boston has chosen to make something good happen after acts of evil.
As Abe and as Boston demonstrate, we can choose to make good happen. Evil exists – plain and simple. How will you respond to evil – with kindness or with ill intent? As Abe would tell you, kindness is the answer.
It is with great gratitude and humility that we share that today – April 14 – is our first anniversary at CFN®!
One year ago, we launched with the idea of bringing you classy features to empower classy women like you, news to help you feel educated, and a little inspiration to encourage you to find joy.
We hope this site has brought a smile to your face, just as you have brought a smile to our face (and Audrey’s!). We are so excited to celebrate this first anniversary with you!
Thank you for reading, for celebrating with us, and for being a classy lady.
Onto year two!
On Thursday, Taylor Swift had very sad news to share with her fans. Her mother, Andrea, has been diagnosed with cancer.
Taylor shared that she told her fans because she wants us to encourage our parents to visit their doctor. She shared that we all have action-packed schedules, but hopefully, a little reminder from us to our parents may make a difference.
Through Taylor’s letter, we have another reminder to call our parents, to hug them, and to love them. Family is precious, and it’s too easy to forget that nothing in life is guaranteed.
Hug your parents this weekend, if you’re lucky enough to see them in person. Call your parents this weekend. Remind them how much you love them.
We decided to go for a little “Throwback Thursday” on this one. This article was featured in a college newspaper about three years ago but modified to not identify the school (and you may see it speaks to many colleges and cities!).
In my last column, I wrote that this place is one of the best castles on earth. Now, I just have one question: where are the white knights?
Colleges across the country have seen significant changes over the years in the dynamics of dating. In fact, schools have almost seen a reversal in dating culture. Dinner and a movie now (sometimes) come after you have already “gotten together.” This is why your grandmother is confused why you do not come home with a date. Sorry, Grandma, this is no longer the 1950s. Welcome to the 2010s.
Ask any girl, and she will likely tell you that this is not a dating campus. Few people are in long-term, serious relationships, and if they are, they are likely not dating someone who is a student here. Is it not in our “Tiger blood” to date? Are we more interested in casual flings instead of romance? What happened to the honest-to-goodness dating of our parents’ and grandparents’ generation?
There are beautiful girls all over this campus, and I feel fairly confident most believe they would rather go on a date every once in a while than meet a boy at his fraternity or at a bar every single weekend (or weekday) night. Dating provides an opportunity for that boy and that girl to get to know each other outside of fraternity parties with all of his brothers in the same room.
Dating is like two friends getting together but better. On a date, you both agree the other one is cute, and there’s a spark. You are not committing to marriage or even to taking each other to formal, but you have the opportunity to get to know each other on a slightly more intimate level. Maybe, you can even hold hands along the way. Most importantly, dating is supposed to be fun!
In this “faraway land”, where can you go on this perfect date? This rural city may lack the drive-in movie theater, but there are plenty of date-worthy places. Almost Home (my personal favorite — though the only boy who ever took me there did not go to this college), Treasures on the Square and Marvin’s would all be cute places to take your special someone. Keep in mind, dating can be casual. You do not need big gestures or a night in the big city to make it special. Go on a walk together to Dairy Castle, and maybe by the end, you’ll be eating (frozen yogurt) out of the palm of each other’s hands.
Don’t consider this a personal ad. Consider it a call to the white knights of the world. You are out there, and ladies are looking for you. Everyone likes to have fun on the weekend and, of course, some people are not looking for relationships. Just remember that dating does not mean you are in a relationship. You may find dating is the best of both worlds.
Women are not damsels in distress in this great castle of college. You will not find me asleep like Sleeping Beauty waiting for a white knight and true love’s kiss. However, some of us might like the idea of 1950s dating and a white knight to come by on his horse every once and a while.
Today’s news shows a mix of winnings and losings. Connecticut’s women’s team won their tenth national title, and Rahm Emanuel won re-election in Chicago. Walter Scott lost his life on Saturday. Washington DC lost power.
When we lose, how do we handle the situation? Do we handle the situation with grace? Or, are we sore losers? Being happy when you win doesn’t take much effort, but how do you treat the losers? For example, if you played in yesterday’s March Madness basketball championship – would you congratulate Notre Dame for their hard work?
Some of us may lose today. Maybe we won’t get promoted, or we’ll find we earned a C on a test. Some of our losses may even be greater than that. No matter what happens, let’s keep our chins held high. Even if you lose today, you can still find something that you have won.
Even if you lose, the game of life goes on. So, jump in, and play!
How do you respond when you encounter new challenges?
Now, I find myself needing to wake up by 3am (long story). Let me tell you, it has not been easy the last two days. That early in the morning, 3:30am or 4:00am are much nicer times to wake up, especially when you think of what time this means I go to bed!
How am I going to choose to respond to this? I can vent and complain that I have too much to do in the morning (the morning is really where I get everything done for the day). Or, I can decide that I will embrace the challenge and succeed.
When the alarm went off, my first thought was “NO!” I took a deep breath and thought, “YES!”
It’s all about attitude. If you want to make something more miserable than it is, you can. Likewise, you can also make something less miserable than it may seem.
Your dreams are worth the 3:00am alarm – whatever the 3:00am alarm is for you.
When we think of the Easter season, we often think of rebirth.
We all have the opportunity to be reborn. We can decide to bloom where we are planted and embrace the gifts we’ve been given.
We like the idea of blooming where you are planted. This idea encourages you to see the gifts that surround you instead of seeing greener grass on the other side.
What gifts surround you? The gift of walking? Having a stable job? Being able to attend college? The option to call your family through a fancy phone? A beautiful day in a city that has experienced igloo-like weather conditions? The opportunity to see a loved one?
Gifts surround you. How will you choose to bloom where you are planted?
Have you ever been at dinner with your girlfriends and found that a few times during the night, nearly everyone at the table is on her phone? (This baby has!)
You likely have. The truth is, we’re all guilty of it. We’re prone to stare at these devices that virtually connect us to what hundreds of other people are doing – even if some of our best friends are physically right next to us.
When we’re out and about this weekend with friends, let’s ignore our phones and focus on our friends and family when we’re physically together. We spend so much time on our phones trying to feel connected. When we’re in person, we are connected. Let’s remember that.
“Get it done.”
These can often be the hardest three words to hear, as we have much to balance the older we are. You may have essays to write, jobs to apply for, bosses to deal with, a political issue at work you need to address, and “getting it done” seems like a hardship.
However, procrastinating won’t make any of the items you need to solve any easier. The pit in your stomach will only grow if you don’t accomplish what you’ve already decided that you will. You know it, and your body feels it.
You can do it! Take a deep breath, set some time for you to devote to whatever you need to accomplish, and do it. Today’s Classy Lady – Clare Robinson – offers additional insight into how classy ladies can accomplish what they say they will.
Get it done before Friday, and you’ll start the weekend with an even greater peace of mind.
Ever notice a habit of yours that you almost don’t even realize you do? Maybe, you automatically add gum when you get to the grocery store’s checkout counter. Maybe, the moment you get home, you lace up your shoes to prepare to run.
Our habits can become so engrained in us that they almost become an unconscious action, as the book “The Power of Habit” explains. The book analyzes why we think the way we do about habits and how we have the power to change them.
The good news is, the author finds that you can change your habits if you choose to. Habits are based on a cue (like hearing a cash register at a checkout), a routine (like coming home from class), and a reward (tasting delicious bubble gum).
Let’s say you chew too much gum and worry about the effects gum chewing can have on your jaw. In order to conquer the habit, you need to replace the routine because the cue and the reward will still trigger you to make a gum purchase. Maybe, you go to the cafeteria at 3pm every day to buy the gum. Maybe, instead, you should go for a walk (you’ll still have the urge to get up around 3pm — just channel that energy elsewhere). Ultimately, you can find more positive ways to channel your cues or triggers.
The power of this book is knowing that we can change our powerful habits. How great that we have more evidence that we can overcome any negative habit and channel that into something positive!
What are you reading? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
We talk a lot about the importance of building each other and ourselves up (see yesterday’s article below). The more we build each other up, the more we spread joy and positivity wherever we go.
Classy Lady Laura Ellis does exactly that. Part of her job involves building up the right talent for her company. She’s also an avid volunteer who is often found running for charity (check out her article to not only read how Laura makes a difference in the world but also how she works to make the sweet 16 month old with glasses proud).
Let’s take today to build somebody up. Maybe, you’ll build up the men and women participating in March Madness (send some positive tweets, cheer on someone you know that went to their respective schools, etc). Maybe, inspired by Laura, you’ll sign up for a marathon to raise money for a cause that you are passionate about. Or, maybe you’ll promise to make a big sign and cheer for your friend who will run a race.
Whatever you do to build someone up is important. Whatever your age, your income, your location – you can make a difference. Choose to make a difference today. Build someone up.
Did you know that when you work out, your muscles actually break so they can rebuild become stronger?
As classy ladies, don’t we do the same thing? When we reach a breaking point, we choose to rebuild over breaking down. We choose to bloom.
How cool that our body almost has a hidden message for us. It’s our job to constantly rebuild even when something breaks.
We’ve all experienced a break – breakup, breakdown, “friend break”, and more. Likely, you’ve chosen to rebuild, no matter how hard the process seemed.
Mondays are a good day to think about that rebuilding process, as we build a constructive week. We’re always in some kind of rebuilding phase, and we have to choose to build ourselves up.
While we’re at it, let’s build the people around us up, too.
Have a great day!
A New York-writer cliché is the “goodbye New York” essay. While I may love clichés, I’m going to add a twist.
The truth is, it’s never goodbye (so it’s a cliché on top of a cliché). New York is a part of me, it’s a part of my story, and it always will be. New York defined my college years (though I actually attended college in the middle of nowhere Indiana), trying to get back to New York defined my early twenties, and as I step into my mid-twenties, I had the opportunity to move back for a third time (third time is the charm).
The second time I left New York taught me a lesson, though. I spent the night in the East Village (four blocks from where the explosion happened in New York on Thursday). I woke up at 4am to make a 6am flight back home.
Even though it was 4am, the scene near St. Mark’s Place was almost like something out of Gatsby, (minus the pearls but with lots of Lana Del Ray songs). The New York world was still going on. The party quite literally kept going. My party was over, but New York’s party kept going.
That’s the thing about New York. She keeps going, with or without you. You think that it’s just you with this unique relationship with the city, but it isn’t. It’s a shared love. New York isn’t just yours, she’s millions of others, and she’ll keep going after you leave her. Initially, you think you won’t keep going when you leave her (flashback to my 21-year-old self). But, the truth is, you’re just like New York. You’ll keep going.
To keep with the clichés, New York is a love story. If you’ve fallen in love, it’s a hard love to leave behind. As we grow older, we realize that some loves have to be left behind – sometimes for a short time and sometimes for forever. At least with a New York, you never say goodbye for forever.
So, a big thank you to New York for lighting up my life the last three months. It’s my wonderland, and I am so grateful to the people and to the city that have made this experience so special yet again.
We’re very excited to present to you the classy ladies of Delta Delta Delta at Vanderbilt University.
As you read their feature, you’ll find that the classy ladies of Tri Delta at Vanderbilt know about the importance of service and giving back to their community. These classy ladies made it clear that this article shouldn’t be about them. They wanted to focus on their philanthropy, St. Jude. For that, these classy ladies have displayed even more grace and poise.
A big thank you to Kara Siegel for her work in coordinating the article and to the classy ladies at Tri Delta who continuously fight to give sick children – and future classy ladies – hope.
We like to think of New York as mostly glamorous and beautiful. Some prefer to think of New York as harsh and tough. No matter what your opinion is of New York, the city isn’t excused from tragedy. No matter where you are in the world, tragedy occurs every day.
I had a hard time starting to pack up my things on Sunday. When I was thinking of my own issue, I stumbled upon an article about a man in Brooklyn who lost seven of his eight children in a fire on Saturday night (his one other child and his wife remain in the hospital, fighting for their lives).
A hotplate was left on overnight, which caused a father to have to bury seven of his eight children. It’s such a horrific tale, that I only feature this to ask you for your prayers for that family (whatever your religion). Thousands in Brooklyn gathered to mourn (pictured).
When you want to complain about a coffee you receive that’s too cold or the person who doesn’t hold the elevator for you today, remember that there’s a man in the world who buried seven children between the ages of 5 and 16. This is a sharp contrast to typical CFN™ columns, but I ask you to pray for that family.
Despite such tragedy, there is still beauty in the world. Some days, you have to squint a bit to see it. We’ve all experienced death and tragedy in some way, but here’s another reminder that your world is not always as bad as it may seem.
When you think of Sweet 16, maybe you think of the Hilary Duff song (which I totally blasted in my room at 16) or the MTV show that featured the most extravagant Sweet 16 parties.
For college basketball fans, Sweet 16 has a completely different meaning.
March Madness is officially in full swing with 16 of the top teams announced (out of 64 teams originally).
To some of us, college basketball doesn’t mean much (“what’s a bracket?”). Even so, it means a lot to many in your classroom or in your office. You can count on CFN™ to keep you updated throughout the tournament.
In other basketball news, today’s classy lady – Erica Prosser – can teach you a thing or two about basketball (she played professionally!). Check out Erica’s story and the top story on March Madness.
Start your Monday with a little “madness”!
Whether we’re waiting for the results of the Israeli election (Benjamin Netanyahu won a fourth term, by the way), or we’re waiting for the bus while looking glued to our phones, we’re aware of what time it is.
Do you ever take a moment to not look at the time? To enjoy the time it is, whatever it is? I’ve found myself looking at my watch to simply know the time, even though I’ve had nowhere pressing to be.
We have to be aware of time in the sense that we need to get to class or our next meeting. We have to be aware of time to remind ourselves if we’re wasting any of time’s gifts. Sometimes, though, it’s nice to take a moment – especially as the weathers warms – to enjoy life without watches, without phones, and without having every second timed.
The clock shown here is the clock at Grand Central. When I see this clock, I don’t even look at the time. I think about the memories at this clock and in this station. I see the tourists taking pictures by the iconic timepiece. People enjoy the time and the clock without counting the seconds. Sometimes, that’s exactly how life should be.
Today’s a day to celebrate the luck of the Irish.
While many of us are Irish at CFN™ (the girl writing this has red hair and oodles of freckles), we believe you make your own luck. We believe if you work hard, if you act with fortitude, and if you wear a positive attitude with grace, you can find your own pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Nonetheless, today is still a fun day to celebrate your heritage, since everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!
How are you celebrating? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com. (We’re celebrating by wearing green to work and taking our brother and his girlfriend out for pizza tonight!)
The new Cinderella movie is essentially my new favorite movie of all time, for many reasons. One main reason? The movie’s motto was, “Have courage, and be kind.”
This motto sums up how we believe classy ladies should view life, as well. Shouldn’t we always have courage to reach our dreams and shouldn’t we be kind while doing so?
How did you have courage this weekend? How did you turn off any of your fears and turn on your positive attitude?
This weekend, 20,000 runners filled Manhattan for one of the best half marathons ever! 26,000 gathered in Los Angeles in the sweltering heat to reach their 26.1 ambitions. They said yes to courage and yes to kindness (fellow runners cheered for each other and kept each other going).
The good news is, if you didn’t find the courage in your heart this weekend, you have a new chance to find it today! Every day is a fresh start. Every day is an opportunity to have courage and to be kind.
When we grew up, many of us enjoyed the stories of Cinderella’s journey to Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty’s wait for her true love’s kiss, and Jasmine’s magic carpet ride with Aladdin. It’s brought us a whole new world of happiness while sitting on our own (magic) carpet, listening to our parents tell us these tales.
As we’ve grown up, we’re reminded that sometimes, real life can seem far removed from the fairytales of our youth. The cynics say that fairytales end when they do for a reason. The truth is, though, we can always make our fairytales come true, and it doesn’t have to end if we keep a positive attitude and always choose love.
Cinderella and Prince Charming didn’t have a fairytale ending right away. They overcame obstacles and chose love over evil. Their relationship (minus a glass slipper) can almost mirror any true love’s journey. The road isn’t always easy, but it’s a lot prettier if you choose love (and know just who to leave a glass slipper for).
In a sense, the women of beloved fairytales were some of the first classy women we encountered as children. So, I hope when we hear rumblings about a sweet film that is released in theaters today, we smile when thinking of how sweet these stories are, how happy it made us to hear them, and how we can sprinkle a little fairytale into our lives every day.
With another shooting in Ferguson (two police officers were shot), racism talks at the University of Oklahoma, an Australian teen dying after being radicalized by ISIS, we beg the question: what is going on?
We understand that life’s not a box of chocolates in the sense that every day is delicious or that every person is as sweet as salted chocolate caramels. As Forrest Gump said, you never know what you’re going to get.
But what if we assumed that people didn’t act out of hate? What if we assume there may be another story to the side we read about in the news? You might think someone is out to get you, but maybe, you don’t know the real story at all.
We’re re-posting this touching picture of a boy and a police officer hugging in Ferguson last summer. We hope it warms your heart.
Speaking of perspectives, have you ever found that sometimes, when something that seems terrible ends up being wonderful in the end? We call these sometimes-devilish situations blessings in disguise.
Not all terrible situations have a silver lining that we understand (death, diagnoses, etc.), but some do. Think of a job you didn’t get or even a class you didn’t get in. Didn’t it end up working out in your favor somehow? Didn’t you end up making a friend in the class you ended up getting in or finding a job you actually like better than the one you had originally applied to?
As Steve Jobs implied, we can connect the dots with a little perspective. Time helps us see the dotted line that leads us to where we are today. Sometimes, you need a little time to pass before you see the reason why.
Blessings in disguise are everywhere. Keep your eyes open for them. Choose to see the blessing, because the blessing is there, waiting for you to see it.
As I told my mom about my weekend, she joked, “This could be an SNL skit.” (Of course, I didn’t always find it as funny as something on SNL at the time.) When I told my favorite makeup artist about my move to New York, he told me, “This sounds like something from 90210.” (Don’t worry, I told him this trip is definitely not 90210 worthy, thank goodness.)
Sometimes, things are dramatic. Sometimes, you get a face like these girls do on 90210. (It happens to the best of us.)
With a little perspective (and hopefully, a little laugh), these pieces of drama can fade away. Truth is, we get to make a choice about how much drama we have in our lives. If we want to make silly decisions with boys, at work, or with family, we’ll definitely add drama. Is that what we really want?
As classy ladies, let’s steer clear of the drama. If you have a “situation”, sort it out rationally. Talk it out. If the boy is vague, clear it up (ask point blank!). The same goes for any other situation –clear it up and make up.
Wouldn’t you rather be photographed with a big smile on your face anyway?
As classy ladies, it’s essential that we inform ourselves of what’s going on in the world.
At CFN®, we aim to help you with this. So, let’s take a step back and explain how we can help.
The top five news stories compile what we think are the stories you must know before you step into a classroom or the office. The first two stories typically highlight either world news or the top stories in the US. Every third story focuses on what the stock market/broader economy has been up to, so you’ll feel confident that you know the latest in market news (the good news? It takes less than one minute to read!).
Every fourth story is about sports. We think it’s important for classy ladies to at least be armed with a little sports knowledge since sports are easy “filler” conversation (so, before a meeting, you might be able to say, “Did you hear what Rory McIlroy did over the weekend?” We especially like to highlight golf and tennis updates, since we think they’re extra classy.
Every fifth story focuses on either top US news or is a “water cooler story”. So, if you don’t feel like chatting about sports, you can chat about this typically “lighter” story.
Your feedback is critical! How can we make this site even better for you? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Have a fantastic Monday!
PS: when Audrey wasn’t having breakfast at Tiffany’s, she was reading the news!
“It’s Friday! We made it!”
It’s a celebratory phrase we usually hear on any given Friday, whether you’re amongst office chatter or your school’s hallways. It’s almost like Fridays are a salvation day, and cheering “TGIF!” is our hymn.
Let’s think about this for a second. Yes, everyone loves the weekends and days off. However, are we really just living for Friday?
If we count down five days a week to a weekend that only really lasts 40 hours (everyone gets lumps in their stomach around 3pm on Sundays), what are we really living for?
Let’s take a positive initiative. Every day may not have the promise of a weekend after it, but every day should have something we look forward to (would it be too much to cheer TGIT – Thank God It’s Today!). If we only look forward to Fridays, there’s something we should probably change about what we’re doing the rest of the week.
We love the weekends. We love roaming a museum, getting a manicure at noon if we feel like it, going for a run in the middle of the day, or leisurely enjoying a chai latte and a book from The Strand.
But the rest of the week can be great, too! Maybe, you get to attend a board or a club meeting that makes your heart happy. Maybe, you get to work with an incredible team that builds you up. Maybe, you can get that manicure right after work if you need it.
Let’s make each day as great as we make Friday. Maybe TGIT (Thank God It’s Today!) will become the new phrase will hum in hallways.
Yesterday, we talked about the importance of being kind and sweet (just like Classy Lady Elisabeth’s sugar cookies shown here).
One thing we’d like to add – while being your sweet self, you can also be strong. Being kind does not mean being a pushover. As a kind, classy lady, you owe it to yourself to stand up, to right a wrong, and to share your voice if something isn’t as it should be.
To classy ladies, sometimes, sharing our voice can almost feel aggressive if the viewpoint is contrarian. It can make us feel uncomfortable even. But being a kind person also means being kind to yourself.
Sweet and strong is an exceptional combination, just like frosting and butter (per Elisabeth’s cookies. Haven’t met Elisabeth yet? Dive into today’s deliciously good Classy Lady story!).
You can be sweet while being strong. As we age, we can learn how to accomplish this with even more grace.
Everyone you meet is finding a battle that you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
You’ve heard these words before, but what do they mean to you? Are you kind – always?
I was recently asked to join a free membership at this vitamin store. At the checkout, I just smiled and said, “No, thank you” (turns out I already had one on file. Woops!). But the checkout person said to me, “That’s the nicest response we’ve ever gotten.”
Take a step back, and think about that for a second. “No, thank you” is the nicest response? It should be the most basic response.
I’m not sharing this story to flatter myself – I was actually pretty shocked upon hearing this. When I pressed about it, I was told that people speak profanities when asked about membership opportunities, people propose places where that free membership can be shoved, etc. What? Where is the kindness?
Everyone you meet is fighting something you know nothing about. That’s potentially even true of your best friends, your family, and the love of your life. I don’t think our classy ladies need much of a reminder to be nice, but we’ll say it anyway.
Spread kindness, and you’ll spread joy – not only in others but also in you.
At CFN™, we like to find things to celebrate.
Investors are celebrating market highs in the Nasdaq. It might have taken 15 years to return to these all-time highs, but investors cheer its resilience. Not sure what the Nasdaq even is? (It’s a stock index that tracks technology, financial, and healthcare firms, amongst others.) Be sure to check out each day’s “Market Minute”, which gives you the scoop on what markets are up to. If you ever think something isn’t simple to understand (and trust us, we love your feedback!), please write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Meanwhile, dog-loving New Yorkers are celebrating a formerly homeless dog that has now found a home. Read today’s Celebrate story, and you just may find yourself tearing up…
The best part? All of these stories are real. Good is out there!
What are you celebrating? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Classy Lady Molly Schreiber reminds us the importance of taking action. So, you have a goal set – that’s great, and that’s the first step. What are you doing every day to accomplish your goal?
Remember those goals you set on January 1? Studies show that in February, we tend to forget about the goals we set and ignore the actions we need to take to achieve our goals. With February behind us, let’s use the month of March to march to action.
You can achieve your goals! It’s possible if you decide to make your goal a reality. It takes hard work, and it’s hard to fit in everything you need to within 24 hours. However, we believe you can make it happen! What will you do today to make it happen?
Today is your day. Today, you can take a step to making your dream come true. Let’s start today. Let’s march to action in March!
This month, we’ve talked to you about love. Whether we’re sharing about our first loves (Shania Twain/country music), best friends (you should know about this gamer-cheerleader-neurosurgeon-anime loving girl), or boys, we’ve highlighted how important love is. In whatever form you have love (because you most certainly experience it somewhere), you should celebrate it simply because love makes your world go round.
There’s one person or one relationship we have yet to cherish, and it’s the subject of today’s column. One of the most important people you should love in this world is yourself.
We’re toughest on the ones we love, and that includes ourselves. We beat ourselves up for all kinds of reasons when we should be building ourselves up. If you slept in and couldn’t make it to this gym this morning, move forward. If you ate too many cookies last weekend, move forward. If you wish you did something differently, take action and move forward.
The relationship you have with yourself is fundamental to how successful your life will be. If you stay positive no matter what life throws at you (because life is going to throw you curveballs), you will be a successful person. Choosing to love yourself for all your flaws and all your fabulousness will lead you to happiness.
Treat yourself well – mind, body, and spirit. Love yourself more.
As we wind down columns that have focused on love this month, we’re going to highlight one of the loves that matters most in this world – familial. Specifically, this column is dedicated to my sister.
When our parents tell childhood stories, they tease that I was the cranky one (I told my dad he was doing a bad job in raising my brother, so I took $20 from his wallet and threatened to leave home so my seven-year-old self could raise my two-year-old brother). On the other hand, my sister was the loving one. Her response to most things growing up? “Why can’t we just love everyone? I love everyone in the whole world!”
As we’ve gotten older (and tried to get closer after fighting over the dumbest things growing up), she’s only gotten funnier. She can convince you she’s from Australia (her accent is that good), she can imitate the Target girl from SNL (“Approved!”), and she can accuse my grandma of only wanting to sit down because there were men with their shirts off working in her yard (my 90 year-old-grandma just teased her right back).
We have similar hearts but are very different in a lot of ways. We’re both sensitive but show it quite differently. She’s much more outgoing and fun (my parents begged me to drink on my 21st birthday, and I’m pretty sure my younger sister would’ve taken the drink for me).
I’m the “mom”/rule-follower (younger siblings don’t always like the “mom” vibe from an older sibling), while she’s the “cool” one. She jokes with my brothers about goofy movies, running around Amsterdam, staying up late, and more. She wholeheartedly embraces life and does what she wants (insert sister secrets here).
She has a very beautiful heart that she’s used to give back to her community and make us laugh (really, really hard; in fact, our LA-writing family member thinks she needs to be in standup). Whether she’s sending us videos about the invisible children in Africa or lovingly teasing us (“kiss me you fool” – yes, thanks for that one), she acts with love.
Like a lot of sisters, you can sometimes find us in a sister squabble. We’re working on it, though – because at the end of the day, family is truly the most important thing. Despite our differences, we’re more similar than we think.
Love you, OBN!
Tell us about your sisters! Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com!
We all have fears and insecurities. Sometimes, it takes a little digging to find out what they are. Sometimes, these feelings impact our relationships and even our ability to truly love.
Whether you’re in a relationship or not, remind yourself to love true love. Love is an amazing thing, and it doesn’t come along very often (beloved character Charlotte York thinks you may only have two great loves in your life, though her famous friends disagree). Your past can only harm your future if you let it.
A lot of friends in relationships find that they struggle with fear and insecurities while in relationships. One friend shared that she can find herself talking about her ex-boyfriend to her new boyfriend. It can be hard to really let go of the past and embrace your present, but if you can, take a step today to get there (ask yourself why the thought occurred to you, play a positive song, meditate/pray).
This applies not only to boys but also to any relationships with girlfriends. Sometimes, girls can be awfully cruel to each other. Sisters can hurt each other. Sometimes, we hurt the ones we love the most.
True love – romantic, familial, or friendly – is worth celebrating. Take a step to fight your fears or any of your insecurities. If there is any kind of love in the relationship, chances are the other person only wants the best for you. If you are struggling with something, talk about it. If you have to bring up your past, perhaps that’s how you move forward. Talking about your past can help explain today’s you. It may actually bring you closer to your loved one, and it may help you heal (PS: your boy has a past, too).
There’s a reason why weddings are wonderful – they’re a celebration of love. Let’s remind ourselves to celebrate! It’s not always easy, and our insecurities can get us in the way. Let’s take today to fight those insecurities, to remember that love is precious, and that you are beautiful the way you are.
Today’s column is dedicated to my best friend.
To best describe her, you have to know that she defies all stereotypes. She was a varsity cheerleader in high school who spent weekends playing World of Warcraft (lovingly known as WOW; she’d stay up all night to play while I slept on the couch) when she wasn’t worried about one of her 7 AP classes (let’s say, she didn’t have to be worried because she is smaaaart. She got a 34 on her ACT the first time she took it – 36 is a perfect score) that led her to an Ivy League institution (she was also President of Model United Nations, which we were both on together). She can also make you laugh like none other (I can’t wait to give her a toast at her wedding or shower or somewhere, because I have some priceless quotes I can’t share on the internet just yet).
She loves all things Asian (while I’m an inner Latina, she’s an inner Asian). She watches anime and has even studied Japanese, though she’s fluent in Spanish and studied abroad in Quito (though everyone begged her to go somewhere like Spain; begging didn’t work. When she sets her mind on something, she’s going to do it). She’s fearless, strong, and brave – she took off on her own Asian adventure last year because she knew it would be good for her soul. She’s also fearless on behalf of her friends. She knew I had an “unofficial thing” with a boy, and she went right up to him – 10 feet away from me – and asked, “So, what’s the deal? Do you like her or what?” (Thanks!)
Medicine is her current passion. She’s always known she wanted to be a brain surgeon (told you she was smart), and she’s in her third year of medical school to accomplish that dream. During her time, she’s even delivered babies and helped save lives (no surprise that she’s on her way to accomplishing amazing things). No matter how many hours of studying or work medicine requires, she works every day to make her dreams come true.
She has the biggest heart, too. Whether we’re talking about boys (her sweet texts say, “I just want someone good for you”), family drama (“Oh God…”), diagramming (long story), catching up, or having a wonderful laugh (“fire in the bathtub”), it’s always wonderful to connect. She’s a forever friend – she’s family.
In the spirit of celebrating love, celebrate your friends. Like your family, good friends should be treasured. True friends are few and far between, and if you can laugh with a friend that’s been by your side for over 10 years, that’s truly something to celebrate.
Did you hear about Mo Farah’s new world record? Check out today’s sports update, if you haven’t.
Regardless, Mo had a message about his win, which was slightly shadowed by an argument with his teammate. While questioning Mo about his record, reporters asked about the teammate squabble. Mo’s response? “Whatever’s happened has happened, we’ve got to move on, but at the same time, I’m an athlete, that’s what I do best. I just have to keep running.”
We can apply Mo’s message in our lives. We’re all runners in someway – whether we literally run on treadmills or run to the next phase of our lives. You have to do what you do best, and you have to keep going. You can’t give up because it’s tough or scary or because the past hinders you in some way.
In our last week of columns about love – we can apply this to love, as well. You have to keep going. If something isn’t working out, you have to either end things or try something new. If something is working out, you have to keep embracing that.
We’re all runners. We run away from things, and we run to things. Let’s celebrate the positive things and the people we run to, and let’s celebrate ourselves when we have the strength and the courage to keep on running.
We spend a lot of time talking about love in terms of Taylor Swift’s songs, and these songs often highlight past emotions (though we can’t wait for “You Are In Love” to come out on iTunes! Talk about a [ballet] dance party in your room!).
As we think about love, we often think about the past – because that’s the likely place we last felt in love. I challenge all of us to look to the future.
You know that magic moment when you think you can start a relationship with someone, and you take a step back to think of how happy this budding relationship is making you?
That’s the reason you put yourself out there, the reason you choose to never give up on love. That feeling — that person — lays ahead.
It may not be tomorrow or the day after, but isn’t it exciting to know it is out there?
Need a song? Check this one out. It’s so happy and sweet.
Happy Friday, ladies!
When Taylor Swift announced she was adding 1989’s bonus tracks to iTunes (which were only previously available on physical CDs), fans everywhere raced to buy “Wonderland”, the first of three tracks released. As with most Taylor songs, girls then raced to identify which previous relationship of theirs the song most applies to.
After I did the same thing, I realized Wonderland isn’t just a physical place – it’s a state of being.
“In the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad.” You both went mad because it wasn’t meant to be. Truth is, fairytales don’t last forever, and wouldn’t you rather have a love that lasts forever?
It’s always hard to say goodbye, but sometimes, there truly is good in goodbye. It may not be wonderful to say it after leaving Wonderland, but saying goodbye only means a wonderful relationship is ahead.
Valentine’s Day is tomorrow!
For the couple in a relationship, they may feel this day implies pressure. To the single girl, she might be found eating tons of chocolate and wishing her ex were in her life (blasting “All Too Well” as high as it’ll go).
Well, that’s certainly the negative way of looking at Valentine’s Day. Keep in mind, Valentine’s Day is what you make of it. If you are in a relationship, it’s a day to focus on each other – no night with the girls or boys. If you’re single, it’s a day to celebrate the other valentines in your life (family, galentines, puppies, and more).
When I look back on my Valentine’s Days, I see some of the greatest times of my life (though, last year was pretty much my worst day of 2014). It’s a time I look back on and smile.
So, how is this single galentine celebrating Valentine’s Day? I am seeing Romeo and Juliet at the ballet tonight and then flying to Florida tomorrow to be with the valentines that have been with me through it all – my parents!
Whether you’re single or madly in love, it’s a day to celebrate the loves of your life. It’s wonderful.
Many of our top stories this week have focused on death – two legendary college coaches have died, another American hostage in ISIS’ hands has died, and Bob Simon died last night.
In other news this week, we’ve reported on the end of eras. Is the era of Brian Williams over? Jon Stewart’s era on “The Daily Show” is also near it end.
As we think about the end, we often think about the beginning. Have you accomplished everything you wanted to? We all seem to run out of time all of the time.
We tie this back to love because it’s up to you to love your life. It’s true that there aren’t as many hours in the day as we’d like. That can’t stop us from maximizing our life’s potential.
Our time can be up at any moment. It’s up to us to ensure each day is the best it can possibly be.
We’re three days away from Valentine’s Day and eager to share some of our favorite love stories.
“Gone With the Wind” features the stubborn and secretly lovable Scarlett O’Hara, a Southern woman whose life is drastically changed in the Civil War (never fear: her stubbornness never quite eases). She has trouble seeing a great love right in front of her, though the infamous Rhett Butler doesn’t give up on her.
With romance, history, and Southern style, “Gone With the Wind” is a legendary tale. It captures the iconic relationship between Scarlett and Rhett (“You should be kissed by someone who knows how,” he says). See, we’re pretty sure Rhett Butler frankly gives a damn (and if you don’t know why that sentence is important, run to your bookstore and/or get the movie).
What are your favorite iconic romances? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com!
We love books. We love love. Some books feature love stories, and we love that!
Electric Literature has calculated how much books focused on love (based on how much “love” was mentioned in the book), from 1809 to today (Jane Austen’s “Sense & Sensibility” was published in 1811). One of the last infographics on this page shows that the word “love” has seemingly fallen out of favor in books. Readers are trading the love stories of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester in favor of books a lá “50 Shades of Grey”.
Jane Austen used the word “kiss” a mere three times in her iconic “Pride and Prejudice”, and it’s considered one of the greatest love stories of all time. (I have a feeling “50 Shades” uses the word “kiss” a little more than three times).
Our culture has clearly shifted away from love a bit, as love surprisingly may not have the selling power it did in Jane Austen’s day. Classy ladies, let’s bring the selling power of love back!
The classics are classics for a reason – they’re iconic, you’ll read them to your daughters, and they’ve positively influenced intelligent women for generations. Let’s keep the trend going. What makes a book powerful isn’t how sexy it is – it’s how beautiful it is. The same can be said for love, too, can’t it?
We love happy girls. As Audrey would say, happy girls are the prettiest.
Today’s Classy Lady – the beautiful-from-the-inside-out French icon, Margaux Lignereux – believes we have one life, so we should embrace positivity.
Taylor Swift is another Classy Lady that continues to inspire us (and wow us with her amazing style [PS: can’t wait for the “Style” music video!]) with her outlook on life, too. Taylor and Margaux may have been born in different countries, but they both believe in embracing love and celebrating life.
It doesn’t matter where you’re from or if the world knows your name. If you choose love, if you choose positivity, your actions can inspire those across the world (as Margaux does today).
Which ladies do you admire? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Choose love.
First loves change you. They’re all consuming, they often teach you everything you need to know about love, and they’re the sweetest, unbroken love. First loves are precious.
That’s right, I’m talking about country music.
When I was eight or nine, my uncle offered me $10 if I could make it down the monkey bars and back. Luckily, I had tons of practice and successfully accomplished the task. I used that $10 to buy Shania Twain’s “Come On Over” CD, and I memorized every single word to every single track (while often pretending I was Shania. Yes, people have enjoyed my fantastic karaoke for years. I wish someone had a tape of me singing, “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” at nine years old).
As we head into the Grammy’s this weekend, it’s fun to remember our first music loves. Whether it was the Spice Girls or the Backstreet Boys or one of the best country music artists to have ever lived, these loves shaped us. We smile when we think of them, and we blast them whenever they come on the radio.
Eric Church will be singing about first loves in “Give Me Back My Hometown” this Sunday. Can’t wait to hear! What are you most interested in hearing? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
We don’t comment on celebrity news much, but something caught our eye this morning.
“Google News” suggested I view an article about Katy Perry that calls Taylor Swift “The Sweetheart”. Naturally, I clicked.
I thought, “This is great! Katy is calling Taylor ‘The Sweetheart’, and now, this apparent feud between them can end. Someone finally responded with love.”
Not so fast. Katy says the media portrays celebrities as characters (true) and that in the media, Taylor is “The Sweetheart” (and the tone suggests Katy doesn’t believe that Taylor is a sweetheart).
Someone needs to respond with love – either Taylor or Katy – or to stop talking about the feud. Sure, it sells magazines, and Taylor’s “Bad Blood” single (which is reportedly about Katy) has helped girls everywhere get extra pumped out in their workouts. The truth is, though, the highlighted negativity is really sad. And even though I’ve run faster when “Bad Blood” comes on, whenever the song ends, I feel bummed.
Wouldn’t it be better to read an article about someone who apologized for hurt feelings and tried to move on – especially artists you admire? Sure, that doesn’t always happen in real life (trust me, I can tell you), but can’t we try?
This relates to this month’s theme of love – our friends can be family. It’s not always easy, but we have to respond with love. Hate’s not going to solve any of your problems, and the truth is, you’ll probably feel worse for having hate in your heart.
I mean, Katy’s songs include lyrics like “I wasn’t so tough laying on the bathroom floor” and Taylor has lyrics like, “I’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here”. Clearly, they can bond over boys!
Come on, ladies! Class this up, and make up.
You’ve seen the Super Bowl commercials. They warmed your heart this year, especially the ones about daddies (click here for our favorite – the Dove one). I totally had tears, and our family text chain exploded with “Daddy!” texts (mostly to mock me haha).
Meanwhile, my mom was very quick to point out (and tease) that I probably especially teared up while listening to the girl in the wedding dress say, “Dad!” (Thanks, Mom!)
She also pointed out: “Where’s all the love for the moms?”
Clearly, moms were underrepresented in Super Bowl commercials.
We love our moms. Like our dads, they’re our valentines beyond and before February 14. They’re our best friends (my favorite magnet says “Keep Calm & Call Mom”), and they’re the ones you knew first in this life.
So, this column about love is for all the moms out there. You didn’t get your showing in the Super Bowl commercials, and you deserve a shout out every day! (Maybe Dove will make a “Mommy!” commercial next year. I’ll probably tear up in that one, too.)
Ladies, it’s time to talk about love.
We all need to realize how exceptionally extraordinary we are. Sometimes, it can be hard to see when we’re in the midst of a breakup, a relationship in a very difficult time, or a relationship we should never have started.
First and foremost, we need to love ourselves. You are extraordinary. You’re up this morning to read a bit about the news and to find a little inspiration. You’re letting yourself believe in the magic in the world, over everything negative we read and experience every day.
As Oscar Wilde wrote, “Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary” because you aren’t ordinary. You are exceptional. You deserve to be with someone who recognizes your inner beauty.
Truth is, you can’t be with someone until you’re whole yourself. You have to believe you are fantastic inside and out before you can commit to finding your true love. Two halves make one whole, but that half has to be whole by itself, too.
You’re extraordinary! Remember that today and always.
New England Patriots’ fans are certainly celebrating their love of football and the team that brought them a Super Bowl championship.
We’re still celebrating Katy Perry’s absolutely fun halftime show (with included throwbacks from Missy Elliot, fireworks appropriately timed to her song, “Fireworks”, and dancing sharks). Our favorite part wasn’t just the inevitable karaoke that surely followed in every bar – it was the “Teenage Dream” throwback.
We’re celebrating our teenage dreams and what we thought love should look like. As Valentine’s Day approaches, our columns will mostly focus on love. Share your Valentine’s Day thoughts / teenage dreams with us on www.cfndaily.com.
Did you miss Katy’s performance? Catch it all here.
Be your teenage dream tonight!
If someone asked you what the best hour of your life was, what would it be?
Well, on Thursday night, I may have updated my answer.
Due to a lucky situation, I found myself at the Metropolitan Museum (one of my top five places in the world) after hours with only 30 other people. As I walked into the museum and the security guard had mentioned the museum was closed for our event, I felt chills everywhere. I literally felt like a girl about to be proposed to – you can just feel that something magical is about to happen.
It was absolutely magical.
Being in the Met to hear live music in front of an artists’ works that I studied in Madrid was essentially the most magical hour of my life. As I experienced every second, I was absolutely conscious that this was the most magical hour I’ve ever lived. I’d never felt more alive or more blessed (and yes, I did take hundreds of selfies before I left, but this picture was taken by a security guard who kept laughing at how obsessed I was for being there).
What are your most magical moments? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Now that is finally Friday, maybe you have some extra time this weekend to make more magical moments of your own.
A few people have commented that “anybody” could be our classy ladies, almost as if that is a bad thing.
The truth is, anybody can be our classy ladies (that’s why this picture doesn’t have a face — it could be yours!). Classy means something different to everyone, but the underlying theme is the same: classy means being yourself, classy means being proud of the good person you are, classy means acting with grace, classy means choosing love over hate, and classy means celebrating the world around you.
Ladies, underneath it all, we’re the same. Whether you grew up in a mansion in Beverly Hills or a farm town in Iowa, classy ladies want to be loved, appreciated, and happy. Likewise, they want to spread goodness into the world (even when it seems especially difficult).
I’ve spent some time reading fiction about ladies from earlier eras, written in entirely different centuries – whether it’s Louisa May Alcott writing about her Little Women or Jane Austen’s beloved Emma. These ladies respectfully lived in the 1800s or the 1700s, and they want the same things as girls today do. They wanted to be model citizens and find their true love (no matter how often Emma claimed she’d never marry).
Instead of negatively spinning that anyone could be a classy lady, let’s celebrate that fact! If you know a classy lady, send her our way at cfn@cfndaily.com (that includes you!).
The East Coast has prepared for an epic blizzard to sweep along the coastline, and many woke up Tuesday morning to find the storm wasn’t as bad as initially feared.
While New York and Philadelphia escaped the blizzard’s worst effects, Boston has been massively impacted. In total, 20 million Americans have been impacted by the storm in some way – whether it’s through the thousands of canceled flights or school cancelations or direct weather impact.
Whether or not you are impacted, we hope you stay safe today (and every day!). If you’re not as badly impacted by the storm, count your blessings (and maybe enjoy a day of Netflix and books). If you are impacted, we hope you stay safe.
Today, we are honored to feature the classy ladies of Delta Gamma at Northwestern University.
These ladies celebrate each other. They build each other up. They are involved in their community, they are proud of each other’s identity, and they know how to laugh along the way. These women exemplify what all classy ladies should be.
As we embrace the start of a new week, let’s remind ourselves to be like the classy ladies of DG. Let’s build fellow womankind (and mankind, for that matter!) up! Let’s celebrate what makes us all unique and highlight the good in our lives. Let’s laugh!
A big thank you to Emily Glaser, who coordinated the article, and to the classy ladies of Delta Gamma who continually set an example for classy ladies everywhere.
When Sandy and Danny came together at the end of Grease, they sang, “You are the one I want! Woo hoo hoo honey!” It took a bit, but Sandy and Danny got back together.
The country of Greece is not singing the same tune to the European Union.
Greek voters may elect the party that advocates for a Greek-exit from the euro (because the European Union, which Greece is a part of, will not forgive the heavy Greek debt the country owes). If the Syriza party wins, Greece may be headed for a breakup with the European Union (which, if this were two years ago, no one would say is possible, but now, investors are beginning to almost expect a breakup).
We’re keeping a close eye on this story and will ensure CFN™ University is updated this weekend to give you a more in-depth look at this story.
“Tell me about it, stud.” (If you don’t know where this is coming from, watch this right now).
Have a great weekend!
“News! Oh yes, I always like the news.” – Emma Woodhouse, from Jane Austen’s Emma.
One of Jane Austen’s beloved characters (pictured here from the TV mini-series) wasn’t professing her love for world news; she was actually excited to hear someone’s boy news (isn’t it funny how we can find such similarities in between ourselves and those that lived 200 years ago?).
Do I prefer to hear someone’s sweet boy news over depressing news stories? Yes. But do I want to walk into work and feel educated today? Yes.
We love news in some form. You may be more interested in other news you can use – what’s on a test, the schedule for your best friend’s wedding – but no matter where you are in life, it’s important for us to know world news.
Hopefully, you have found that CFN™ can help you a bit with that. How can we make it better? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
PS: I am reading Emma right now. I bet she gets together with Mr. Knightley!
Serena Williams is a happy lady.
She won her first round of the Australian Grand Slam (this picture is from a previous Grand Slam win at the US Open). She could be on her way to winning her 19th Grand Slam, which would break the current record.
What makes us so happy we want to dance? What feeds your soul? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Something else – our classy lady, Annie, shares that living in several states has taught her that we all want the same things. We want to be loved, we want to be accepted, we want to be happy.
If you see someone who is having a bad day or a bad year, be extra sure to share your brightness with that person (say hello and smile, ask how their day is going). Spreading joy will keep you happier, too.
So happy you’ll want to dance!
Ever think of how history is really: his story? When studying history, we are actually reading a story.
Now, we’re writing our story. Sometimes, our story involves a move.
Think of today’s classy lady – she’s lived in several states. Instead of seeing moving as a negative, she’s proud that her experiences have totally shaped her.
Be proud of who you are. Be proud of the moves. It’s part of your story and part of you.
New York has become part of our story again, and it is a fun part of our story. What’s a fun part of your story? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com!
They say that in New York, you can do anything you want, be anything you want. You can eat Chinese food at 3am, you can dye your hair blue and no one will blink an eye, and you can truly be yourself.
24-hour food delivery is a great concept, sure. The truth is, you can do anything you want and be anything you want no matter where you are. Yes, dying your hair blue is a small town might be much more noticeable than in New York, but if you’re being yourself, you have to be proud of that. You’re being you.
Let’s not let cities define the kind of person we can be because being classy means “you do you”. If you want to make pink hair classy chic, go for it. Each classy lady defines class by the kind of person she is, not necessarily by black dress and pearls (though we do think that is classic).
This is 2015. You do you.
Our classy ladies absolutely inspire us. They radiate joy, love, goodness – everything you could ever hope to spread in the world.
Today’s Classy Lady – Paige Woods (pictured)– continues the Classy Lady tradition of spreading positivity and happiness in her life. She’s not shy about her faith, she is pursuing a career in education, and she’s unabashedly proud that life should be wondrous.
We also love that by celebrating these classy women, we’re bringing fellow womankind up. It’s so easy to hear about mean girls, the latest gossip about a girl you know, amongst a host of other unfriendly thoughts.
Ignore that noise. Read about a classy lady, and find yourself some inspiration from them. Better yet, pay it forward. If you know a classy lady in your life, tell us about her at cfn@cfndaily.com. We’ll feature her. We’d also love to feature you!
As we believe, you are the classy lady who smiles when it’s easier to frown, who confidently says what she thinks, and who believes the world truly can be a better place. It’s more than a cliché. Every day that you make better, classier, happier is a good day.
Pay it forward today.
PS: Check out the caption on Paige’s photo!
Yesterday, we wrote about a song that inspires us (and is great for a dance party when you’re alone in your apartment and want to “dance it out”): “I Lived” by OneRepublic.
We have another song for you to check out because really, what day is complete without a dance party in your room?
Never mind that I’m half a decade older than most of these boys, but One Direction knows the way to my heart: “Steal My Girl”.
Whenever the song came on during spin class (for a hill, no less), I would beam of a happiness. It’s SO CUTE.
A dance party in your room, listening to 20 year olds sing about the love of their lives, you’ll feel like a star in their music video (let me tell you, I have some awesome dance moves to the “na na na” part). It’s so silly, but so true… and so cute!
Hope you enjoy finding something cute in your life today!
“Take the pain!”
My dad used to yell that to me during my three-mile cross-country races. It was a good primer to not only take the pain that running three miles as fast as you can will offer you, but to take that pain and beat it.
OneRepublic’s latest song, “I Lived” has us thinking about taking the pain, thanks to these lyrics:
“I hope that you don’t suffer but take the pain.”
There’s a lot of pain in the world. Look at today’s news – Boko Haram, our social media accounts getting hacked, Paris still in mourning. Look at how Paris is taking the pain, though – they’re celebrating free speech. Africa is going to conquer the pain Boko Haram gives them by eliminating them.
Hopefully, the pain in our lives is a little different than the pain suffered through terror and murder. That said, we all have pain, which makes you human. Conquering that pain makes you strong.
Walking around Times Square last night and blasting “I Lived” on my iPhone, I took a second to celebrate the opportunities we’ve been given and how wonderful we can make life if we choose to see it that way.
“I, I did it all… I owned every second that this world could give, I saw so many places, the things that I did. Yeah, with every broken bone, I swear I lived.”
We’re going to break more bones. We’re also going to own every second and live.
In our Classy Lady interviews, we often ask how classy ladies overcome bad days.
Truth is, we all have them for whatever reason. We can’t just let ourselves wallow, though (even though it can be so hard not to) – we need a game plan. Whether it’s sleeping it off, running it off, texting it off, dancing it off, chai tea-ing it off, you need to do what’s best for you to feel better.
Today’s Classy Lady – Erika Lowe – conquers a bad day by helping someone else out (or finding a Portillo’s and enjoying their cheese fries, which is foolproof). What’s your bad day game plan?
Let me tell you what it isn’t: calling your old boyfriend, wallowing for hours, looking up Facebook pictures you shouldn’t, etc. Negative behaviors can’t conquer us, classy ladies. We conquer them.
Remember that as you embrace your Monday.
This week, The Wall Street Journal featured a story that highlighted how it is never too late to learn a skill, no matter how old we are. The story also found that there is only one thing that holds adults back more than children: fear.
We’ve talked a bit about fear in this column, but here’s another example of how fear can prevent us from achieving goals we’d like to this year – whether it’s learning a new language, mastering a golf club, or running a marathon. The article reports that as children, we felt fearless and just jumped into things without analyzing too much. As adults, we feel fearful and analyze until our brains’ bleed.
The new year is still fresh, and your goals are still top of mind. Take this weekend to begin to achieve your goals because you can achieve anything you set your mind to. It’s about attitude, confidence, and faith. Believe in yourself, and you can make it happen! If you need a little scientific proof, read the article. It’s never too late.
Whether you’re trying something totally new or trying to improve an existing skill, you can do it. You can be fearless (cue Taylor Swift’s “fearless”).
Now, be fearless, and celebrate the weekend!
“Je suis Charlie.”
All over the world, many are repeating this French phrase to express their solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, the French newspaper that was attacked on Wednesday. The newspaper was likely attacked because of its satirical pieces that included Islamic satire (though the newspaper satirized all religions).
The French and the rest of the free world have called for celebrating the powers of free speech. World leaders are calling for its protection, saying that we will not back down from what we have to say because of a terrorist attack. We will not live in fear.
Many of those that rallied in Paris have raised up their pens in response to the attack and to celebrate free speech.
Raise your pens.
We are Charlie.
Happy Wednesday, ladies!
We are thrilled to bring you the first annual book review of the previous year. We’ll share the books we’ve read, any comments, and books we’re most looking forward to reading in 2015. Here we go:
1. Gone Girl – especially good thanks to the twist; as scary a book as we’ll ever read
2. And the Mountains Echoed – not as much of a page turner as the author’s other book, “The Kite Runner”; still interesting weave of other cultures
3. Into Thin Air – absolutely loved; made us appreciate sherpas and the difficulty of climbing Mount Everest; Jon Krakauer books are fascinating
4. Boomerang – nice, quick read that reminds us how world economies are related; it simplifies 2008 across the world
5. Divergent – absolute page-turner, even if I read it while next to an 8-year-old also reading it on the plane (we were on the same page, too)
6. The Things They Carried – classic and very metaphorical
7. Steve Jobs – tied for the best book of the year; couldn’t put it down… may or may not have cried at the end
8. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? – hilarious; good book to read after crying about Steve Jobs’ dying
9. The Fault in Our Stars – wonderful book, though I actually prefer the movie (my friend and I cried so hard in the movie theater that we had headaches for hours afterward… okay, enough crying)
10. Looking for Alaska – OK John Green read
11. The Monuments Men – OK. I was expecting magnificence based on its premise of saving art in WWII (history & art are some of my favorite things)
12. The Goldfinch – beginning was amazing, but the book could have been 300 pages shorter (and I don’t think “Atlas Shrugged” – an 1,000 paged book by a different author – could’ve been a word shorter)
13. Insurgent – hooked on the Divergent series; eager to read the final book in 2015
14. The Engagements – easy but fulfilling read on how an engagement ring ties people together. The stories of four different people/couples were lovely; the book definitely wins “Best Cover Art of the Year”
15. Killing Lincoln – we love any book about Lincoln (though we wish he didn’t die!)
16. The Silkworm – not as good as “The Cuckoo’s Calling” (JK Rowling’s other book in the mystery series); it’s actually pretty graphic in a really gross murder way
17. Bossypants – everyone should read this Tina Fey classic, if just to learn the rules of improv (never say “no”, always say “yes, and…”)
18. Unbroken – torture to read 300 pages of torture, though the story is very inspirational (tip: not a movie to watch with your family at Christmas, though that’s exactly what we did)
19. Paris, My Sweet: I needed to recover from “Unbroken” while reading about a girl who moves to Paris to write advertising copy for Louis Vuitton and eat sweets all around Paris (can you say “macaron, s’il vous plaît”)
20. The Count of Monte Cristo: top two book of the year, hands-down a wonderful book; one of my new favorite classics
21. Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald: delightful book to learn more about F. Scott Fitzgerald’s big love; turns out she wasn’t crazy as they say!
22. The Invention of Wings: OK. Sue Monk Kidd’s “The Secret Life of Bees” was much better
23. Outlander: 700-page story about falling out of the 20th century into love with a 16th century Scot; thought I would love but couldn’t get into
24. Me Before You: total beach read with an interesting twist at the end
25. Summer of My German Soldier: OK; interesting to learn more WWII affected the South
26. Claude & Camille: Claude Monet’s love story with Camille; note to self: stop reading books about your favorite artists’/authors’ love lives. Spoiler: they all cheat
27. The Book Thief: very good book about WWII
28. A Visit from the Goon Squad: OK fiction (but it won a Pulitzer Prize, so my feedback may not mean anything…)
29. Sacred Hoops: inspirational team messages from the Chicago Bulls’ championship coach
If I could read all day every day, I would. One year, I’ll read a book a week. For now, our favorite books of the year were “Steve Jobs” and “The Count of Monte Cristo”.
However, we started “Little Women” in 2014 and just couldn’t finish it before the year’s end. I finished it last week and will tell you, this will probably be the best book I’ve read in 2015. I’ve also got my hands on Donna Tartt’s “The Secret History” (it’s much smaller than “The Goldfinch,” thank God), and “All the Light We Cannot See”. “Boys in the Boat” is something I’m also eager to read!
What have you read? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
At CFN™, we don’t like to discuss politics. You get enough of it on the news, in school, at work – and we deal with enough of our own kind of politics in our personal lives.
This column isn’t attempting to be politically inclined. However, if we can, let’s work together as a people to respect our police officers. Whether you believe mistakes were made or not, the only thing we can do is move forward and improve.
I had the opportunity to personally thank a New York police officer last week. He responded, “I’m glad to do it.”
It’s not easy keeping cities safe (or responding to an armed robbery in New York, like two did early this morning before getting shot). Let’s look at the bigger picture and remember that we’re all Americans. We’re in this together.
So, today, we are reposting a picture from one of last month’s Celebrate stories. A police officer and a boy hugged each other in Ferguson, Missouri, a city with heightened tension.
Let’s hug this one out, too.
Welcome to 2015, and Welcome to New York!
In our first edition of the new year, we’re thrilled to be reporting to you from New York. New year, why not New York?
As we launch the new year, we often reflect on the past and what we hope to accomplish in the future. In my past, I often wished to return to New York after moving to the city two times before. Seemingly, a wish has come true.
The New York I’ve gotten to know over the last week is different than the New York I knew while it was my playground in college or the New York I knew after college. But as we embrace the new year, it’s no longer the time to dwell on the past. It’s time to make the future your own.
What goals do you have for 2015? How are you making them happen today? Is there a city you’re hoping to move to? Take a step today to make it happen. Do you want to lose five pounds (because your mom’s Christmas cookies are just that good and you maybe ate too much of them)? Then, get to the gym today.
No excuses. The new year gave us a fresh start, but start with owning today. Today, you make the future yours.
Merry Christmas Eve!
The magic of the Christmas season reminds us to believe. Christmas magic is everywhere, and the best part is that it’s with us year ‘round.
The Christmas season also reminds us to prioritize our faith. It’s easy to let other priorities take over (especially during mass times). Take this time to celebrate your faith (it’s the happiest holiday! We love when babies are born!) and your family.
Recently, someone asked a group of us, “What do you believe is the unique purpose of your life, and how does your work allow you to accomplish that purpose?”
Our answers were all about helping people. However, this someone said, “Life isn’t about you, and it isn’t about me, either. Life is about serving God.”
Joy to the World!
PS: Want to hear our favorite version of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”? Click here.
We believe “yes” is one of the most important words we can ever say. “Yes” opens us up to opportunities, to happiness, to love, and more.
In the spirit of the holidays, though, we believe there actually can be another valuable word to add to our vocabulary: “no”. Our time is exceptionally valuable over the holidays, as we spend time with family and dear friends. Now isn’t necessarily the time to give your time to fringe activities or even fringe friends.
Now is the time to savor this precious holiday time with those you love. Other activities and even people can wait until after the holidays. While we always encourage our classy ladies to say “yes”, sometimes, it’s equally important to just say “no” (or “not now”).
(I said “no” to my alarm clock this morning…!)
We all have scars.
I had minor surgery earlier this month, and in my follow-up appointment last week, the doctors said four small areas around my stomach will scar (including my belly button, which I was initially a little bummed about! I think belly buttons are so cute – they’re a mark that’s been with you since day one).
The fact is, scars tell stories. In a sense, we should be proud of them. As we reflect on this year, perhaps you’ve thought about your scars. Not every scar is as obvious as ones leftover from surgery – some lay underneath the surface and can be harder to initially see.
New York has scars. Read about Saturday’s police tragedy, and you’ll be reminded of scars this country faced earlier this year.
If it’s your scar, it’s your story. Scars heal, and eventually, the pain will pass. Let’s hope our country can find that same peace.
PS: There just really aren’t any positive pictures of scars out there on the internet…. So, why not look at this cute Christmas puppy instead?
If you’ve ever seen “When Harry Met Sally” (one of my favorite movies), you’ll remember that Sally usually modifies a menu item to better suit her tastes.
In that sense, I am just like Sally. I’m a “modifier”.
The best part about ordering food online is that you usually have an option for “special instructions”. I’ve taken advantage of this box with one of my new favorite lunch spots. In addition to writing my “special” instructions, I’ve written the restaurant little notes. Yesterday, my note said, “You guys rock!!!!!”
While picking up my food, I started chatting with a few of the employees. They told me, “We love your notes! They make our day.”
Hearing that made my day. Do you know how good it feels to put good into the world and to get good back? Well, it feels amazing.
On this lovely Friday, remind yourselves to put all the good into the world that you possibly can. It’s been a tough week for many people, especially those around the world. The more good you can spread, the better the world will be.
PS: “When Harry Met Sally” is a wonderful New Year’s Eve movie!
I love New York.
Yes, I have been blasting Taylor Swift’s “Welcome to New York” so loudly that my ears actually hurt this morning…
In addition to Taylor Swift, many other writers have found that they also love New York. Buzzfeed compiled these quotes, which remind us that others have found a great love in New York, too.
Our favorites? “I went to New York to be born again.” “One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years.” “Quite simply, I was in love with New York…” “London is satisfied, Paris is resigned, but New York is always hopeful.”
I could go on. Essentially, they’re all wonderful. Check them out!
In Pakistan and in Sydney, some citizens are potentially living in fear. Their cities, their homes, their children have been attacked. Terrorists live to create this fear. We cannot let them win.
In addition to big fears like terror attacks, we have other fears. Some fear falling in love, trusting, accepting situations, forgiving, letting go, heights – you name it.
What can we do each day to conquer our fears? We can’t let them control us.
A friend and I were chatting about a relationship, and she advised, “Just tell him you have PTSD from your last relationship.” My friend was actually serious, but I remember laughing in response. “I am definitely not going to say that.” Why? Because that would mean any of my fears or my insecurities triumph over something that makes me happy.
Why would we let a previous fear prevent us from finding future good? Take today to confidently walk forward, to ignore any fears that are holding you back, and to gracefully show the world that you are a classy and fearless woman.
(Like Blair & Serena)
In a conversation with my best guy friend last night, we chatted about social media policies with an ex (social media can certainly make a breakup complicated) and the fact that we can hurt the ones we love the most.
In Philadelphia, there’s a manhunt for a man that killed six people who are related to him (on top of all the horrible news stories about killing +100 children in Pakistan and the hostage crisis in Sydney). Fortunately, our classy ladies would never dream of any of these acts, yet we can still occasionally manage to harm ones we love.
We’re around the ones we love the most, and sometimes, we say things we don’t truly mean. Sometimes, the first thing that pops into our mind pops right out of our mouth.
The best thing we can do is to either ask for forgiveness or to forgive those who have hurt us. Whether it’s a sister squabble or a classic family fight over the holidays, we all have to forgive. This includes forgiving ourselves, too.
From the terrorist attack in Sydney, to Shinzo Abe’s re-election, to Congress passing a spending bill, the news around the world is certainly having a reverberating effect.
Classy ladies need to be informed. By informing yourself, you will empower yourself. Why does Shinzo Abe’s re-election matter to you, half a world away? Think of the economic impacts that Japan – the fifth largest economy in the world – has on you.
Half a world away, Sydney, Australia is on lock down. In what is likely a terrorist attack, 15 Australians are held hostage in a chocolate shop in Australia’s largest city. Terror affects us all.
Like today’s classy lady (whose job involves educating herself on the top news stories), you are taking steps to inform yourself and to empower yourself. As Audrey did and today’s Classy Lady Caroline does, you see the world beyond your immediate purview. At CFN™, we thank you for setting an example for classy ladies everywhere.
Also, we hope you find a little inspiration on the site and in your life, too!
CFN may be slow to post over the next few days while in a bit of recovery! Apologies for the inconvenience.
On Saturday night, I looked at a closet filled with clothes and found nothing to wear.
Sometimes, you just need to get out the door, and you’ll be absolutely fine. Sometimes, the problem can just be getting out the door.
Ladies, I found a solution. Yes, any pump-up music can do the trick or calls to your best friend (or mom!), but here’s my new tip: heels.
While picking out an outfit, I walked around my apartment in heels and felt nearly instantly better. Something about three inches of confidence wiped any cranking thought away.
Of course, there are many other more beautiful ways to pump up (look at the lake, dance party in your room, etc.). Though, there is something about feeling extra feminine in black patent pumps, which just pumped me right up.
We all need a little pump-up from time-to-time. Sometimes, the best solution is one that will help you dance the night away with ten of the sweetest girlfriends.
So, if you’re in a Monday morning funk, get on your heels, and get out the door!
Ever had a freaky Friday?
While I have never switched bodies with anyone, we’ve all had freaky Fridays. Even more so, we’ve all had freak outs (one of my favorite love songs says, “…had passionate make outs and passionate freak outs”. Freak outs sometimes happen!).
During a chat with a 30-year-old mom with two kids, we started chatting about life. She said, “I hope you never worry about anything in your 20s, because I worried all the time. Now, sitting in the suburbs with two kids, I wish I could tell my mid-20s-self that it all works out. You never believe it at the time, but it’s so true.”
So, ladies, I’m sharing her words on. Sometimes, we freak out – whether you’re in a relationship or not (the song lyrics reflect a couple in true love that has freak outs). Whether 30 is your “scary age” or you think you’ll be alone forever or you’re stressed about work, the truth is, it all works out. Not worth a freak out.
That’s why you have Fridays. Let the freak out out, and dance to this (the “Shake It Off” of the 1970s).
Writing can certainly feel therapeutic. It’s also a record of the past – whether you write about the news in the world or the news in your life.
This year, I created a work-focused journal. Each Friday, I write a summary of the week: what I liked about my job, what I didn’t like, where I’m looking to improve, etc. Especially in the early stages of your career, it can feel important to record details that we can easily forget later.
Something about a journal with a purpose (other than writing about life in general) has helped keep me focused. It can potentially be fun to expand this – maybe a dating journal (how cute would that be?) or an exercise journal.
Whether you think you’re much more left brained than right, we all have something to say. What you believe, feel, and celebrate is important and is worth recording.
What are you writing? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
You know it’s going to be a good day when you’ve had a 3.5-hour dinner with two of your girlfriends the night before.
I don’t remember the last time I’d laughed that hard for that long. From lengthy conversations about boys (“boys are like horses” & “marriage is like forever”), wondering why there aren’t sombrero emojis (Jenny is already incorporating emojis into her non-text conversations), hearing our waiter show us his band’s latest rap music, sharing philanthropic goals (can you say “Junior League”!), learning why you can’t get a crown on your purse (“Melanie, here are my pennies from my penny jar for this purse, merci”), endless Harry Potter references (“No, I don’t want to be Moaning Myrtle”) and much more, I’m grateful for my time with Maeve and Jenny.
A great thing is that the three of us have connected after college. Maeve and I knew each other from growing up but have gotten much closer since college. Jenny and I met in a salad line and started chatting because we both liked each other’s outfits. Talk about a salad – now the three of us have been mixed together, and it’s the best.
The message: if you have a friend you’ve been meaning to reach out to or someone you have always wanted to get to know better, reach out. We spend a lot of time reaching out to boys on our quest for prince charming, but you also need good girlfriends on that journey. It’s important to foster those friendships, no matter what dating stage you’re in. As much as girls are looking for the one, they’re also looking for a good friend.
On that note, to get a good friend, you have to be a good friend.
Just some thoughts for a wintery Wednesday.
On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me two turtledoves.
Fun, happy fact: do you know that turtledoves mate for life? (Look how cute they are.)
We’re introducing fun, happy facts. You’ll be able to see them sprinkled across our social media platforms and celebrated on this website.
The best part is, they’re all true.
Happy second day of Christmas!
The holidays always make me especially aware of my blessings. They also make me quite nostalgic.
Something about Thanksgiving revives old memories. Maybe it’s because so many Thanksgivings stand out: reuniting with childhood friends and those we loved, seeing our hometown gather at the annual tree lighting ceremony the day after Thanksgiving, and hiding cookies in a drawer because we wanted to save them for us instead of our Thanksgiving guests (Mom found the cookies ten minutes after my sister and I hid them).
Sometimes, the memories make me want to go back and relive it all again. What’s funny, though, is I wouldn’t change anything in my life now. It feels like the definition of gratitude.
In truth, memories are blessings. We’ve been able to live a good life. Past joys remind us that future joys are ahead. As C.S. Lewis wrote, “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
The New York Giants are grateful for a catch that is now considered one of the best five catches in the NFL’s history (see picture). Odell Beckham Jr. caught a football from behind. According to many NFL announcers, catching a ball from behind never happens.
Catches of all kinds can make us grateful: we catch a break, we catch a cab during rush hour, and we catch a boyfriend or girlfriend.
I am grateful that my brother Robert has found a great catch in Mafer (short for Maria Fernanda). Mafer is definitely a classy lady (and a sweet supporter of the site). I listened to them talk about their relationship yesterday (apparently, they met when Robert jumped up and down in accounting class) and was so delighted to witness their sweetness firsthand (Robert couldn’t stop saying, “Isn’t she perfect?” while the three of us chatted).
There are many things we’ll catch in life. We’ll catch a cold, we’ll catch a smelly bus, and we’ll catch many things we simply won’t want to. There definitely is a bright side, and Mafer and Robert have found it (the NY Giants have, too!).
This week, we are clearly going to highlight all of the things we’re grateful for. We’d like to hear from you, too!
Thanksgiving is a yearly reminder to count our blessings, and as you well know, we try to do this every day. Let’s start with celebrating the little things. Any dose of these, and I’m a happy camper:
Warm weather. Skim chai tea lattes. Walking by the beach. A long run. A good laugh with family. Playing with my puppy. Reading a classic. Laduree caramel macaroons. Chatting with my girlfriends. Writing. Dancing at a gala. Enjoying a board meeting. Audrey Hepburn movies. Perfume. Volunteering. Taylor Swift’s CDs. Travel.
These are a few of my favorite things. What are yours? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
It’s Friday! We made it.
How did you make it through your week? How do you sort your days? I look at my day in three parts: before work, work, and after work. I don’t count the number of things I did in between, I just know I need to do each part well. To have a truly successful day, I can only “do three things”: something before work, my job, and a meeting after work.
Lately, I’ve tried to jam four or five things into my day. This means I’ve had “two things” to do before work (like this site and work out) and two meetings in the evening. It’s not sustainable every day, but we all have days like this in our week.
There is a power to the number three. Three is healthy. Are you challenging yourself to accomplish everything you need to every single day? If your work allows you to arrive at 9 and leave at 5, how are you absolutely maximizing the opportunities to improve your physical wellbeing, your social network, and your career?
If it helps you, try breaking your day into three parts, knowing that you can accomplish something in each of those parts. It’ll make a restful weekend a better one, because you’ll know that you have earned it.
And why is the security guard picture still up? My 89-year-old grandma read the below article about my dad (AKA her son). She calls the security guard a “hunk” and wants to know where I found him. Gamma, if you think this security guard is a hunk, we’ll keep him up there through the weekend.
Happy Friday!
Earlier this week, I had a meeting in a building that I had never been in nor had anyone in my family. When I checked in at the front desk, the security guard asked me for my last name.
When I told him, the guard turned to me and said, “I knew a guy by that name. I used to assist messengers whenever something was sent to his office. He’s a super nice guy – any relation?”
My jaw dropped. Of all the security guards in Chicago, I had just found one that had not only remembered my dad’s last name but also how great of a person he is. I responded, “Yes. He’s my dad!”
The security guard – named Jim – mentioned that he hasn’t seen my dad in six years. As my heart started to fill with joy (and my eyes with happy tears) thanks to the kind words Jim shared, I told the security guard that this moment felt like something you would talk about at a funeral.
Weird thing to say, right? Well, after reflecting on this experience two days later, I realize that is exactly something my dad would say. For his 50th birthday, I wrote my dad a long letter with all the many things I love about him. His response? “That could be my eulogy.”
I remember thinking, “Well, that is not exactly the response I was expecting.” (I was going for, “I love you, this made my day, you’re the best firstborn ever,” etc.). And look, three years later, I’m talking about eulogies after somebody says something nice about him.
The point of the story is twofold. First, we’re totally our parents’ kids. Second, let’s take each day to be the kind of person that the security guard will remember is kind six years after the last time we saw him.
Happy Thursday!
On my walk to the bus yesterday, I slipped on the sidewalk’s ice. To an onlooker, it must have seemed like a movie moment. I slipped so badly that I was completely airborne and landed right on my rear-end. My entire body lay on the sidewalk.
Someone from across the way shouted, “Are you okay?!” As I tried to get up, I noticed I had much trouble simply trying to stand up. I kindly waved to the sweet stranger across the street, thankful for her kindness and for my quick-healing body.
Walking to the bus was a challenge. Sitting was a challenge (24 hours later, it’s still a challenge). It hurt. As I got off the bus, I called my mom to tell her what happened. The best part? As I told the story, I couldn’t help but laugh (for the record, she laughed, too!).
We’re all going to slip and fall. A lot of times, that fall is going to be hard, and it’s going to be on ice. When we fall, or when we make mistakes, the best thing we can do is to laugh it off. It won’t be funny right away – trying to get off the ice was not my funniest moment of the day – but having a positive perspective will help get you through it.
Surprisingly, I don’t have any bruises yet (and thank goodness, because I need to prance around Florida in a swimsuit later this week, and I’d prefer not to look like my whole backside was attacked). Of course, the bruises may come, and it’s still cold outside – but a warm laugh can make it all a little better.
Sometimes, things happen in the news and in our personal lives that break our hearts. Tensions continue to escalate in Israel and Palestine, ISIS has beheaded another American, a second Ebola patient has died in the US, and more. Yesterday would have been Eileen’s 33rd birthday.
I can’t pretend to know the reason behind these things. I do know that we can inspire each other to continue to see the good in life and to unapologetically be the best version of ourselves.
Today’s Classy Lady says that classy ladies unapologetically know themselves. Michelle is certainly proud to be who she is (and we’re inspired by her, too!). How fitting after yesterday’s column encouraged classy ladies to follow the manta “you be you”.
The feedback from yesterday’s column has been absolutely heartwarming. One classy lady wrote that the column gave her life. Another said it made her day. Well, your responses absolutely made our day, and you give us inspiration at CFN™.
Again, this site is called Classy Features & News™ – not Classy News and Features. The news usually isn’t classy, but we can find inspiration from each classy lady we meet (like Audrey and Michelle).
On Saturday night, four girlfriends got together for a night of fun. These ladies came up with a new mantra: “you be you”.
“You be you” means that you should celebrate who you are by being exactly who you are. It means that you should feel confident when you trust your heart and when you do something that you want to do. It means that you should feel emboldened by your decisions, by who you spend your time with, and by what makes you beautifully you.
It means you laugh at what makes you laugh, it means you text the boy if you want to tell him something sweet, it means you wholeheartedly support the causes that are important to you, it means making time for your (occasionally dysfunctional but loving) family, and it means you walk down the streets every day proud to be who you are.
The classy Theta ladies at Miami of Ohio clearly believe in this mantra. These ladies call each other sisters and take each day as an opportunity to support each other. These girls believe in “you be you”.
Peter Kassig believed this, too. Even when many encouraged him not to go to Syria, Peter felt it in his heart that he had to be in Syria to help people.
Every day – especially every Monday – is an opportunity for a fresh start. Take this week, and celebrate you being you. Being who you are is exactly who you should be.
You be you.
It’s Friday! Can you say, TGIF?
This week has been filled with updates – Taylor Swift’s crazily good “Blank Space” music video, the anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s fall, two window washers that were saved when their footing fell as they were cleaning One World Trade Center, and Philae landed on a comet. And now, you get to enjoy your Friday and your weekend.
This weekend, we say – celebrate. Enjoy your life. Laugh. Cheer. Count. We have so many blessings, and it’s even easier to count them on the weekends.
What did you celebrate this week? What are you celebrating this weekend? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
What is it with boy bands?
The only band that has been able to encourage me to switch from Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” on repeat is… One Direction?
The twenty-year-olds (who breathtakingly sing about falling in love at 18) have three of the top four singles on iTunes. Their style (yes, that’s a shout out to Harry Styles – Taylor Swift’s ex-boyfriend in the band) has helped me rock out on my morning runs.
The boys are trying to reclaim a lost love – in “18” and “Where Do Broken Hearts Go”, and they admit fault. I want to know what real men do about these songs.
Taylor Swift actually provides a how-to guide for “How You Get the Girl”. A boy band will probably have a platinum record because they sing every girl’s fantasy. Taylor Swift sings what’s in these girls’ hearts. So, we’ve got the girls and the boy bands, but where are the men? Are they picking up on these how-to guides?
I’ll leave you with this as I head to the treadmill. To answer your question, yes. I will likely be playing these tunes with some Taylor mixed in.
America is wonderful.
Think about the miracle of our founding. The 13 colonies fought the British, who were the best fighters in the world at the time. That didn’t stop our founders from fighting for our freedom, even if it meant such incredible personal sacrifice and giving the fight everything they had.
Yesterday, we honored all our veterans. Today, we celebrate veterans, too – because we should be celebrating them every day, as Matt Newill and Ryan Tinker are. Today’s Celebrate feature celebrates these two entrepreneurs who celebrate our veterans every day through their business.
America is beautiful and the last great hope on earth. Let’s work every day to preserve the gifts America has given us.
Like today’s Classy Lady, we choose to see the glass as half-full.
The fact is, seeing the glass half-full is a choice. You can certainly see that the glass is half-empty, too, can’t you? By deciding that the glass if half-full, you’re acknowledging that you see the positives of a situation. Even though you’re staring right at a glass that could literally be half-empty, you choose to see the positives. You choose to see the good.
Happiness is a choice. It is so easy to go down the rabbit hole and start to see the glass as half-empty. Every day, we need to remind ourselves of the blessings we’ve been given. Not each day is going to go our way, and life may take a completely different direction than we thought it would (think of the South Korean ferry captain that has now been sentenced to 36 years in prison. One day, he thought he was going to direct a ship and go home that night. Now, prison is his new home).
If you had told me five years ago about the life I’m living now, I would’ve guessed you were wrong. Even yesterday didn’t go as I thought it would. Does it mean the glass is half-empty? No.
Hope everyone enjoys their glass of water today!
Selena Gomez has made a buzz in the media this week with the release of her new music video for “The Heart Wants What It Wants”.
In the video’s beginning, Selena speaks to the camera about her destructive relationship (likely with Justin Bieber) and leaves listeners with a bit of a broken heart for her.
Despite recognizing there are a “million reasons” why she should give the boy up, that every second is like “torture”, and how the “breathless moments break” her down, Selena seems to accept that since heart seemingly wants this relationship, it should continue.
We usually credit our mind with being more logical and our hearts’ as more emotional, but this isn’t true. Ladies, our hearts reveal the truth. Selena is not singing about what her heart wants – she’s speaking about what her mind wants. Staying in a relationship that Selena describes is due to fear – of being alone, of losing the time you spent with that person, and of the healing process.
The most empowering and fiercely confident, classy thing you can do for yourself is to break free from relationships like this. There is better. It can be hard to believe in better because breakups only get harder the more you put your heart on the line. Regardless, each day brings you one day closer to breaking free and to finding the right man. He’s out there.
Selena sings that she’ll bet the odds against it all on this destructive relationship. At CFN™, we bet the odds on you finding a prince. You just may have to kiss a few frogs before you find him.
It’s Throwback Thursday, ladies. Here’s a throwback to one of our favorite columns.
What are you running to? What are you running from?
When you run on a treadmill, you are running toward a better body and a better soul. When you do something positive for yourself, you are running toward a better future.
Is there anything you are running from? Are you running from something negative – a bad relationship, a rocky job – to something better? Or, are you running from something positive – like hard work?
Every day, we run. Whether it’s literally running on a treadmill or running to or away from something, we run.
Every day, we need to be conscious of where we are running. Somehow, time slips by, and you better wake up and run before you find you’re left behind.
Get up. Show up. Run to something positive and run from the negatives. Leave the bad boy behind, leave the cliques, and run to something better. It is up to you to choose which direction you run. Run right.
The media is abuzz with the midterm election results. You can find the scoop in today’s top story of the CFN™ top five.
Today, we’re buzzing about the arts. Sotheby’s is one of the premier auction houses in the world, and on Tuesday, it sold $422.1 million of impressionist and modern art. The day marked Sotheby’s highest fall opening. The Monet you see pictured (in my dream life, I’ll have a little Monet water lily in my room) was sold for over $33 million.
We are also abuzz about Megan Smith, today’s Classy Lady who has devoted her life to the arts. She’s a self-described “theater geek” who knows how to throw a wedding, raise funds for a renowned theater company, and make her dreams come true.
What do you love most about the arts? What is your favorite painting? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Ladies (or should I say, Mademoiselles in honor of today’s Classy Lady that adores all things French),
Our lives can feel very political. There can be political issues we deal with at work, in school, and even in our personal lives. The last thing CFN™ needs to do is become political on you.
So, on this Election Day in the US (and even though today’s edition of CFN™ has more mentions of Paris than the US elections), all we will say is, we ask you to vote. Whatever your political beliefs are, it is important that you share your voice. 100 years ago, many classy ladies fought so you would have the opportunity to vote. Today, you do.
At CFN™, one of our fundamental beliefs is that you should be the change you wish to see in the world. Today, you have the chance to elect the change you wish to see in the world.
And before or after you vote, be sure to read about today’s magnifique classy lady.
The Beatles classically sang that we get by with a little help from our friends. While friends are fantastic, there’s nothing more special than sisters.
Today, we celebrate the classy ladies of Kappa Alpha Theta at the University of Illinois. These sorority sisters have such a close bond, you would think they are related.
These ladies keep it classy, they support each other, and they take each day to make the world a better place (they host a ton of volunteer events. How fun that they find some fraternity boys to help them out with that, too!).
The classy Theta ladies are our featured as part of our inaugural “Sorority Spotlight” feature. We are absolutely honored and humbled to celebrate these ladies (special thanks to Libby Melvin who has done such an incredible job coordinating the feature!). For every Facebook page like, story like, Twitter follow – you name it – we will donate to CASA, an organization that Theta nationally supports.
A big thank you to the U of I ladies! You’re the two things Coco Chanel said every woman should be – classy and fabulous.
Happy Halloween!
Tonight, we will dress up as our alter-egos, as something that makes us laugh, or as someone we’d never be in real life. The fun part of Halloween is the ability to pretend, to re-live the childhood memories we so appreciate, and to eat oodles of candy (specifically, candy corn).
I hope all our classy ladies enjoy today and do what we do best – keep it classy. While we have the opportunity to dress up and be someone or something different, I still believe we should be true to who we are (just like this dog wishes he were Harry Potter).
I love being “fat” things on Halloween. Emojis, pumpkins – essentially anything that doesn’t show my figure. It’s almost more freeing to be something so totally silly over some outfit that supposedly flatters. It keeps Halloween lighthearted and fun – how Halloween should be.
Have a spooky and sugary day!
Maybe, sports are like the movies. They usually give us something to celebrate.
While I prefer a movie with a majestic kiss in the rain (The Notebook, Breakfast at Tiffany’s), maybe sports games are like movies for men. Sports are to men what romantic comedies / romantic dramas are to women. But women and men alike celebrate sports wins, and what man doesn’t like Audrey Hepburn or secretly like watching The Notebook with their girl? (Maybe, we’re more similar than we think.)
Maybe you’re a woman who thinks lines like, “People do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that’s the only chance anybody’s got for real happiness” (from Breakfast at Tiffany’s before an epic rain kiss) are a little cheesy (but the really good kind of cheesy!). Maybe, you prefer the San Francisco Giants winning it all and becoming a dynasty team.
Either way, whatever gender you are, whatever medium you prefer – sports and the movies give us something to celebrate. It’s kind of nice to look at the top five stories today and see that there’s a whole team cheering about something under a not-so-happy story about Russia and Ebola quarantines.
Have a fabulous day! And if you get the opportunity for a kiss in the rain today, take it (or jump up and down for the Giants… whatever floats your boat).
PS: It looks like we’ve had two pictures of kissing in this week’s Column. Sorry I’m not sorry. They’re so cute!
Trust your heart. It always knows.
There isn’t always a logic to it, but your heart will guide you. If you look back on any of your experiences, hindsight may give you the clear benefit of knowing why something or someone wasn’t right for you. However, if we’re honest with ourselves, we may realize that our heart always knew the answer.
In baseball’s biggest night, I bet several of the players are going to rely on their years of training and trust what’s in their heart to reach a baseball championship. Maybe, someone felt a little uncertain before NASA’s unmanned rocket exploded on Tuesday.
Trust your heart as you walk up the Wednesday hump. Your heart is guiding you to what is in your best interest. Trust it.
Yesterday, I saw at least two blind women on the street. Until that moment, I had embarrassingly forgotten that being blind is a reality for many (although, I feel nearly blind without my glasses or contacts…).
It was a little reminder to be grateful for the gifts in our lives that we often take for granted. It also encourages us to open our eyes to the rest of the world. We can often pretend we are blind to issues in the world and in our personal lives.
It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and to inform ourselves of the news in the world. You will feel empowered. Reading about Ebola quarantines is not as fun as the skimming Taylor Swift’s lyrics for cues about her ex-boyfriends, but hopefully, CFN™ gives you a little mix of both. CFN™’s goals are to empower you, to inspire you, and to cheer you up.
How can we make the site better for you? Is there an issue you’d like to open your eyes to? Your feedback is always welcome at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Make it a wonderful day, and if you see something happy on the street (people holding hands or stealing a kiss, a cute puppy), remember that being able to see is an absolutely beautiful gift.
It’s a Monday that feels just like Christmas (I definitely just let out a squeal of excitement!).
So, it may not officially be Christmas, but for many people around the world, any day Taylor Swift releases a new CD feels a lot like Christmas.
The second I saw the album was available on iTunes, clicking “purchase” was a no-brainer. Taylor Swift sings what is in nice girl’s hearts, which is why her fan base is so huge. She has a song for absolutely everything – celebrating a love, cherishing your age, reminiscing on memories, and shaking it off.
Quick favorites (other than the three singles already out): “How You Get the Girl” (“Remind her how it used to be, with pictures in frames, of kisses on cheeks”), “Blank Space” (“Grab your passport and my hand”), “Style” (“And I got that red lip classic thing that you like”), “This Love” (“When you’re young, you just run, but you come back to what you need”), “Clean” (“You’re still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore”), and yes, basically, every single song on this album is a winner.
Once again, Taylor sings about everything you’ve ever felt (I’m convinced we lead parallel lives). Taylor, out of a ten, you’ve just scored a 13.
Since Taylor Swift dropped the tune in August, many of you have been singing “Shake It Off”. If you’re from Boston College (or if you live alone in your apartment…), you’ve even been creating your own dances to the tune (definitely check out the video – the dancing priests are the best part).
Here’s a new idea – what about we laugh it off?
In the moment, things can occasionally feel dramatic. It’s not always easy to see that what seems dramatic now might actually be hilarious in the future.
We all have those days when whatever we are dealing with feels like a little too much. Maybe it’s a situation you’re dealing with at work, at home, at school, or in your personal life. The good news is, we have the opportunity to control how we react to the situation. We can choose to laugh.
Shake, laugh, smile, dance it off – whichever works for you.
In Game 1 of the World Series on Tuesday night, the Kansas City Royals lost to the San Francisco Giants 7-1 on Kansas City turf. For a team that hasn’t been to the World Series in 29 years, it wasn’t the happiest night for either the players or the fans.
After Game 1, though, the Royals told each other, “Don’t hang your head.” In other words, don’t let a negative attitude creep in. Keep your head high. Never quit.
Guess what? The Royals royal attitude may have prompted the team to win Game 2 7-2 (talk about a score reversal).
This lesson is just as important in the World Series as it is in everyday life. Take today for example. Maybe, you’re thinking, “It’s been such a long week, how am I going to survive the rest of it?” On the flipside, you could be thinking, “I am so excited for the weekend! It is almost here!”
Keeping your attitude in check will keep you truly happy. Today’s Classy Lady – Holly Willis – certainly believes this, too, and she waltzes around the world exuding a positive attitude.
The world is a beautiful place. Happiest girls are the prettiest girls. Thursday means the weekend is almost here.
Have a fabulous day!
In today’s news, there is an article about Ebola survivors helping current Ebola patients with treatment and moral support. The secret blessing of the disease is that once conquered, the same strain of the disease cannot appear in the survivor’s body. So, survivors can help others without worry of immediately being re-diagnosed.
Often, our top five stories aren’t filled with the classiest of updates. Today, that is different. Today, survivors pay it forward. Today, North Korea freed an American detained for leaving a Bible in a North Korean city. For San Francisco, it was a great night in sports. It also doesn’t hurt that the stock market rose on Tuesday, either (or that Taylor Swift released a new single on Tuesday that has already been happily stuck in all our heads for 24 hours).
We believe the world is good. It can sometimes be difficult to see this all day every day, but ultimately, there is good to be found every single day.
When Carrie Bradshaw read Aleksandr Petrovsky her poetry, she read about an Oscar de La Renta dress that spoke to her. When Aleksandr read Carrie his poetry, he read from a Russian novel.
Today, the world mourns Oscar de La Renta’s death, but we celebrate this style icon’s life. Let him also remind us to read our own poetry and to embrace it – whatever we find our poetry to be.
Carrie also reminds us that life is too short to not love a pink dress and a man that embraces your poetry, too (even if your poetry means skipping a Met performance to have French fries together and dance on McDonald’s floor).
Even more than a man embracing our poetry, let’s remember to be proud of our poetry, our pink dresses, and who we are. Ladies, celebrating who we are is always in style.
Well, it’s good to be back!
We apologize for the break CFN™ was on, and we hope you know we missed our beloved readers. Thank you for sharing your feedback and your thoughts on CFN™ with others.
Sometimes, it can feel like we’ve made some mistakes. As we took a mini-break from the site, maybe some of us feel like we aren’t reaching our potential, we got too emotional about a situation, or we didn’t believe in the best in people. We all make mistakes, but the best part of making a mistake is making the decision to take a step forward.
On this beautiful Monday morning, let’s take the next step forward. Let’s make a conscious decision to be the best version of ourselves this week. It is definitely possible, no matter what kind of situation we are in. Good news is out there – just look at today’s top five stories. One story features that Teresa Romero may have conquered Ebola, and Peyton Manning broke a football record. These are glimpses of the good around us – for even more good, read about Cristina Vottero, today’s Classy Lady.
All we can do is be the best version of ourselves. Nothing is impossible. As Audrey would say, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’”
In today’s world, we have to go for our dreams.
Maybe, the Scots have a dream to be independent from the United Kingdom (we’ll find out likely later this evening). Some football players dream their whole lives to be in the NFL, and some players may be losing those dreams due to domestic violence charges.
When you look at the news, take a step back and wonder how the people affected by a news story are going after their dreams (maybe they are terrible and more like nightmares, though, sadly). Either way, the positive dreams we have should be celebrated, and that’s where CFN™ steps in.
Liz Roney is today’s Classy Lady, and she is living her dream. She is passionate about fashion and fair trade, and she’s found a career that combines them (just take a look at this sweet photo of Liz and the women who make Liz’s designs). We can achieve our dreams in our lifetime. We have to be brave and determined – like Liz – to make those dreams a reality.
First and foremost, we have to believe in ourselves. Our mind is a powerful force. Let’s take a step today to make our dreams at least one step closer to coming true.
Art has a way to touch our heart strings.
At CFN™, we adore art. We love the way we feel when we fall in love with a painting either in the Art Institute of Chicago, The Frick Collection, in a street painter’s collection. If art moves you, it’s special.
Mary Cassatt’s beautiful works inspire us, too. (Want to get to know more about Mary? She is today’s Classy Lady.) They give us a sense of calm and almost a sense of purpose. If you have ever taken a painting class, you know how incredibly difficult it is to paint well. Just take a look at what Mary makes so effortlessly stunning.
As classy ladies, we should pursue what we love, and we should pursue knowledge of the arts. This will not only broaden our horizons, it may help us find that inner peace we look for everyday.
Have a beautiful day!
After yesterday’s peace discussion in our column, we’ve been unable to stop thinking about peace. Peace is a goal for everyone, isn’t it?
In the news, we see images of wars, Ebola outbreaks, potential breakups of countries and unions. When world leaders try to eradicate these issues, the end goal is always peace. Where there is war, there may be peace one day.
We are only on this earth for a short period of time. Each day is a gift. You are not promised anything tomorrow (or in the next minute even). You have today to take action. You have today to find peace.
If you’re seeking peace with someone or within yourself, take a step today. The truth is, you don’t know what could happen tomorrow, so make today count. If you’re lucky, you may have someone holding your hands while/after you make peace (like these cute otters).
You know we love sharing our happy, empowering, and/or soothing songs with you. Here’s one that will give your heart a little peace.
Have you found peace?
I’ve found that with loved ones, I am unsettled in so many ways if I don’t have peace or closure. It took not having peace for a few years to figure that out, but learning that lesson now will prevent other years from going by without peace.
We all need peace in our lives. It can feel impossible to find, especially if there isn’t peace in a situation we can’t control (hard work situation we can’t get out of just yet, difficult team project in a classroom, a trying family situation). To respond to the unsettling feeling that fills your spirit when there isn’t peace, some find solace in praying, yoga, meditating, a long run, or an endless number of positive and fulfilling outlets.
Finding peace is probably a lifelong process. When one situation may be resolved, another one will inevitably appear. We have to do our best to live every day with a positive attitude, a happy heart, and inner peace.
We’re human. The truth is, we’ll fail at this. We’ll be negative, we’ll feel lost, we’ll cry. What’s important is taking a new day, putting two feet in front of you, and stepping forward to find peace.
Classy is back!
What do Audrey Hepburn and MKTO have in common? It’s the 113th most popular song on iTunes right now, but we think it’s a classic hit.
Every classy girl – every girl that reads CFN™ – needs to have a dance party in their room and celebrate that being classy and classic is appreciated!
Like the lyrics suggest, we may sometimes feel that we were born at the wrong time, that women aren’t always like they used to be, and that we definitely shine like a Fifth Avenue diamond.
Let’s let the lyrics speak for themselves today. TGIF!
Ooh girl you’re shining
Like a 5th avenue diamond
And they don’t make you like they used to
You’re never going out of style
Ooh pretty baby
This world might’ve gone crazy
The way you save me
Who can blame me
When I just wanna make you smile?
I wanna thrill you like Michael
I wanna kiss you like Prince
Let’s get it on like Marvin Gaye
Like Hathaway
Write a song for you like this
You’re over my head
I’m out of my mind
Thinking I was born in the wrong time
One of a kind, living in a world gone plastic
Baby you’re so classic
Baby you’re so classic
Baby you,
Baby you’re so classic
Four dozen of roses
Anything for you to notice
All the way to serenade you
Doing it Sinatra style
Ima pick you up in a Cadillac
Like a gentleman bringin’ glamour back
Keep it reel to reel in the way I feel
I could walk you down the aisle
I wanna thrill you like Michael
I wanna kiss you like Prince
Let’s get it on like Marvin Gaye
Like Hathaway
Write a song for you like this
You’re over my head
I’m out of my mind
Thinking I was born in the wrong time
It’s love on rewind,
Everything is so throwback-ish (I kinda like it, like it)
Out of my league
Old school chic
Like a movie star
From the silver screen
You’re one of a kind living in a world gone plastic
Baby you’re so classic
Baby you’re so classic
Baby you’re so classic
Baby you’re class and baby you’re sick
I never met a girl like you ever til we met
A star in the 40s, centrefold in the 50s
Got me tripping out like the sixties
Hippies Queen of the discotheque
A 70s dream and an 80s best
Hepburn, Beyoncé, Marilyn, Massive
Girl you’re timeless, just so classic
You’re over my head I’m out of my mind
Thinking I was born in the wrong time
It’s love on rewind,
Everything is so throwback-ish (I kinda like it, like it)
Out of my league
Old school chic
Like a movie star
From the silver screen
You’re one of a kind living in a world gone plastic
Baby you’re so classic
Baby you’re so classic
Baby you’re so classic
We remember 9/11/2001.
13 years ago, our beloved country was attacked. Every day, we remember we are not only vulnerable, we are also strong.
Most Americans – if not all – felt an exceptional sense of pride in that fateful fall 13 years ago. It seems some of that pride has fallen away. Much has happened in the 13 years to affect us as a people and as a country. Nonetheless, we must never forget the actions that united us 13 years ago and that America really is the last great hope on earth.
Let’s take time today to celebrate our blessings that our great country shares with us. When you do the little things today – like turning on your kitchen sink for a glass of water or take transportation without fear – remember how blessed you are. When you do the bigger things – like sharing your opinion in your workplace or school or praying to whomever you do – remember how blessed you are. America has given you these blessings.
Remember 9/11/2001.
We do.
Sometimes, terms need to be easier to understand.
Ladies, this is the whole point of CFN™. Pick up a top tier news publication – The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Reuters – and you may find that it is hard to understand. The Wall Street Journal claims to be written at a fifth grade reading level, but the truth is, most of us probably feel like we need to return to fifth grade after attempting to read one of their articles.
The point of CFN™ is to provide you a bridge to feel comfortable to read a top tier publication. So, when someone asks you your thoughts on Scottish independence (for example), you have something to say. Today’s Classy Lady has tried to make finance a little easier for women to understand (she’s used Oreos in the same sentence as dividends, which seems to make dividends a lot more appetizing).
BBC featured a picture of a Scottish flag, a British flag, and a question mark on three different cupcakes to highlight Scotland’s current quest for independence. (“The trouble with Scotland is that it’s full of Scots!”… Buehler?) The cupcakes almost make the situation easy to understand.
How can we help you make things easier? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
While searching for cute pictures of Baby George and Kate Middleton for today’s Celebrate feature, we stumbled upon this adorable picture of George pulling Kate’s hair.
It’s easy to think that these kinds of things simply don’t happen to celebrities, royals, or icons of any sort (especially to Kate Middleton – I mean, have you seen how perfect her hair is?). The truth is, we all get our hair pulled in some way or another, it just may not be Prince George who is doing the pulling.
The question is, how do we react to when our hair is pulled? It’s easy to sink into a negative emotion (or freak out). Whether something is happening to us at work, at school, in our friend group, with our boyfriend (or an ex-boyfriend that is still in your life), or a family member we keep fighting with, we can use every hair-pulling moment as an opportunity to be the person we’d like to be.
It helps to have an image. You can bet that our inaugural classy lady handles every public hair pulling moment (whatever it is) with grace. Kate has made a choice to handle those moments that way. Let’s make the same choice (and continue to Google pictures of cute, royal babies).
Every classy lady either has a role model or is looking for one. These role models do not necessarily have to be women, nor do they have to be living. Today, we share one of our favorite role models – Abraham Lincoln – and some of his words to live by.
Here are four quotes from Abe (taken from Pick the Brain’s website) that we think may help start your week on the right note.
#1: “The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.”
Wise words, Abe. It’s easy to panic about everything we have to do, but we can only take the future one step, one day at a time.
#2: “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Happiness is a choice. You alone determine how your life will be. Choose happiness! It’s not always easy every moment of every day, but choose happiness.
#3: “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”
Get up early to get that workout in. Get to work or class early. Hustle to make the family engagements you feel “too tired” for. Get up, and show up!
#4: “The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.”
Mean girls use meanness to hide their insecurities. We are all insecure about something. Of course, there will always be exceptions, but many times, the mean girl just needs a little love in her heart. You can help put it there.
We love Abe, his wisdom, and the classy gentleman he represents. His words are certainly words to live by!
Who are your role models? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Happy Friday! We made it, ladies!
On Friday, there is always something to celebrate, especially as the clock edges nearer to the weekend. There’s another thing to remember this fine Friday, though…
Laugh. When good things happen, it’s so easy for us to laugh (which is obviously a good thing). Laughter is therapeutic. It’s almost your soul’s way of releasing the happiness you carry in your heart.
Sometimes, if we take a step back in a not-so-wonderful situation, we can see the humor in it. You know those things that are always dramatic in the moment but funny a while later? What can we do to take steps each day to see the humor in the moment and just laugh it off?
We’ve found ourselves laughing a lot this week, and not everything was laugh-out-loud funny. We’ve taken a step back, looked at the situation, ignored the desire to be dramatic, and just laughed. Let’s laugh because things aren’t always as dramatic as they seem, the world is a funny place, and life is a gift.
Hope your weekend is filled with laughs and so much joy!
New York Fashion Week begins today, and the fashion world eagerly awaits the catwalks, the supermodels, and the play that begins the week (yes, for the first time ever, a play will introduce Fashion Week instead of a fashion show. Something tells us this play will be filled with fashion!).
Today’s Classy Lady – Bailey Madden – is a fashionista herself. You can always find Bailey in a chic piece (likely in black and jazzed with some cheetah prints). What makes Bailey even more fashionable is her classy and kind personality.
You are all fashionistas in your own right. You have style, and you have class. Having fabulous style is not the only definition of classy. In fact, most of our classy ladies don’t define classy as synonymous with style. To them, being classy is about who you are as a person.
Our advice is to start the day with an outfit that celebrates your style and an attitude that is dressed to impress. While not all of us may make it to Fashion Week’s runways, we have our own runways to strut.
Make your streets of your city your runway.
In a match that tied one of the US Open’s records, Kei Nishikori and Milos Raonic played for four hours and 19 minutes. Since the match ended after 2am, you can imagine many onlookers had left the stadium while the tennis stars dueled for a win (see picture that was taken this morning at the match).
Imagine what those tennis stars felt. People were leaving the stadium for valid reasons, of course, but somehow, their support block began to disappear.
Sometimes, we may feel like the tennis players: in a long, grueling match, and the length of what we are going through seems to last for longer than it should. Maybe, we only feel like we have one cheerleader left, as this woman in the stands demonstrates (she does look pretty tired, too).
You have a choice in how you view this situation. At CFN™, we choose to see that this woman stayed to cheer. These tennis stars had at least one cheerleader (and let’s be honest, there wasn’t just one woman in the audience). Let’s see the positive.
I caught myself in a moment of weakness last night and became upset over something that shouldn’t have gotten to me. It happens. But, I remembered my cheerleaders around me and the cheerleader within myself.
If you think you’re out of a cheerleader, remember, you have us at CFN™.
We have to have faith.
Katie Knell – today’s lovely Classy Lady – has combined her passion for fashion and faith into a career. She walks by faith, no matter how hard or easy the walk may be.
Are we like Katie? Unfortunately, it can be easy not to be. We read the news and feel dismayed (that’s why there are classy features on CFN™, though – to show us the world is a beautiful place!). We find ourselves “busy” on Sundays and can’t make it to church. Worse, we find ourselves being negative on faith or being negative about others’ faiths.
No matter what you believe in, you have faith. If you believe the world is a good place, you have faith in something good. We need to remind ourselves of the good in the world, especially as we embark on a new season.
As we fall into fall, let’s fall into faith – whatever that means to you.
Let’s start with this: let’s have faith that today will be a delightful day.
This weekend, we celebrate summer. We celebrate the times we have been given this summer, we celebrate our blessings, we celebrate the weather, and we celebrate love.
Some of you have been lucky enough to fall in love this summer (relationships are always best in the summer. The Fourth of July is the most romantic holiday there is!). Some of you fell in love with a new hobby, a new travel destination, a new job, and more.
Summer ignites our passions, whatever they are. As summer draws to a close this weekend (though we technically have through sometime in September), let’s remember to keep this passion with us as we embrace fall.
As the seasons change, you probably changed in some way, too. If you found this change improved your personal growth, embrace it. Be happy, celebrate, love.
Life is good. Audrey thinks so, too!
Did you know that TV shows’ ratings fall when the lead couples are in a relationship?
It turns out, viewers like when the two lead characters that are destined to be together aren’t together. Viewers like the tension (think Chuck and Blair for essentially every episode of Gossip Girl). Viewers actually enjoy the wait until their main leads either kiss for the first time or get back together.
Why is it that we like the wait on television shows but not so much in our own lives? I was born six weeks early, so my little joke is that I haven’t been patient since day one. Why is it, though, that we don’t like our own wait, our own journey?
One day, we’ll look back on the TV show of our own lives and like to revisit the waiting parts because we will think little did we know. Things happen the way they are meant to happen. We should enjoy the wait.
Though – I was much happier when Chuck and Blair finally got together!
Today’s edition of CFN™ carries a theme of peace.
Israel and Hamas have made another effort at peace. Rumors are floating that perhaps Ukraine and Russia may inch a bit closer to peace. Today’s lovely classy lady – Lauren Huefner – finds peace in yoga and staying positive.
A lot of our readers are women in their 20s and 30s, and to many, this time isn’t the most “peaceful” (maybe by the time we get to our 90s, there will be more peace!). We are worried about careers, school, relationships of all kinds, families, health – everything under the sun (what happened to just worrying about your prom date?!).
If there’s anything that should give you a little peace, it’s worrying less about finding a husband (and don’t worry ladies, that’s not easy for me to say. I have no idea where my prince charming is, unless he’s a 10-pound furry puppy named Brian).
Need a sweet song to help you find that peace? Listen to “6-2” by Marie Miller. Write us what you think at cfn@cfndaily.com.
“And could we meet by the first of July, so he’ll hold my hand as they light up the sky and marry me on an April night…”
You’ll be happy on the bus while listening to the song, promise.
The US Open – a much beloved tennis tournament – has begun in the US. Venus Williams is back to play her hardest.
In Monday’s match, a bee kept buzzing by Venus’ face as she tried to serve. The bee kept distracting Venus so much that ball boys had to swat it away. The bee didn’t stop there – it flew to Venus’ opponent and tried to distract her. The opponent also called for her ball boys to fight the bee.
Some of us are lucky enough to have a team of ball boys (or family, friends, and loved ones) who can help us swat away the annoying, buzzing bees (or issues) in our lives. The fact is, we all have buzzing bees (and look how huge that bee is – see picture).
What matters is how we respond to our buzzing bee. Do we keep going? Yes. Does it sometimes feel really difficult to keep going? Yes. Does every person feel that way at some point? Yes. Are you going to overcome your bees? YES!
How are you overcoming your buzzing bees? Do you have your own team of ball boys? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Happy Monday, classy ladies!
Mondays seem like a mini-New Year in a sense (maybe we should call them “New Week”?). We have a chance to embrace the week ahead of us, and we feel like there is a sense of a fresh start.
There’s a saying – “Don’t Break the Chain” – and it seems especially appropriate for a Monday. It involves setting a daily goal and marking a red “x” on your calendar every time you accomplish that goal. Because you are marking an “x” every day, a chain will form. Once you see the string of red x’s, you are inclined to not break the chain and keep your goal going strong.
What goal are you setting for yourself this week? Personally, I am trying to go 40 days without sweets (today is day five…). Because there have been five days without sweets, I am even more inclined not to break the chain and start over.
You can do it, too! How will you fight to not break the chain? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Go rock your Monday!
Like the weather in Chicago, the news is dark today.
Whether you are reading about the UN report that announced nearly 200,000 have lost their lives in the Syrian Civil War, that ISIS threatens to kill more Americans, or Russia is provoking Ukraine once again, it can be easy to get lost in where the world is going wrong.
CFN™ wants you to know about these stories because they’re affecting our world. Some of them may seem a world away, but they’re not as far away as we think.
That said, we ultimately believe the world is a beautiful place. That’s why we pair the news with classy features that will bring you inspiration and happiness.
As you move into your weekend, be aware of what’s happening on the other side of the world, and be aware of the good that is near you. We’d love to hear about it, too – write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
You are all beautiful, strong, and empowered women. Enjoy the weekend you have worked so hard for, and we hope you share the beauty you see with us.
We are all blessed.
James Foley is an American journalist that was just killed by a terrorist group, which has brought inconceivable tragedy to his family. Even so, his mother remembers her son as a great blessing in her life and says she has never been prouder of him.
I got lost on a run last night, and a sweet nurse named Tricia offered to run with me a part of the way home to ensure I found my way. That is a blessing.
Both of these situations clearly differ, but both involve blessings. It’s not always easy to find the blessings in news stories or in some parts of our lives, but they are there. Good is there somewhere. You can find it.
What are your blessings? Is your great love a blessing? Did you just land your dream job? Is a family member overcoming an illness?
Write us about your blessings and what is important to you at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Take this Thursday to enjoy your blessings. They are out there.
New York City is my great love.
When you have a great love, you are forever changed. You’re in it deep, you’re in it always, and you are forever changed. The real loves are the rare ones. The ones that completely understand you, cherish you, and promise you forever.
While I believe love changes – from a great love to a past love, perhaps – my love of New York hasn’t changed in five years. Running to the Strand, roaming the West Village, and dancing with cupcakes has never lost its appeal, whether or not I’ve been with a boy in the city.
I’ve been so blessed to call this city my home for a short time. One day, I know I will call this love mine again.
If you have a love like this, hang onto it, ladies.
HAPPY FRIDAY! You made it, ladies!
Is it 5 o’clock yet?
Well, it’s not quite 5pm yet, but it’s just that much closer. Want to know where it’s nearing 5pm, though? Iraq.
The main goal of this site is to educate. You need to be educated on the top five stories of the day. You need to know what is going on not only so you can feel confident at work or in school, you also need to learn the news so you can feel empowered.
The tragedy on Mount Sinjar in Iraq is horrific (there are reports that parents are bleeding themselves so their children can have the blood, which contains water, because there isn’t any water on the mountain). Thousands are stuck. Iraq is melting down. You need to know this.
“It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” is not only an invitation to sip a drink of your choice. It is an invitation to learn about where in the world it is 5pm. These places can seem far away when 5am was so near to us, but we need to educate ourselves.
If you think CFN™ can do a better job or you need more information on something, please write us. We want to hear from you. This site is for you.
On that note, at some point today, it will be 5pm in the US, and you can celebrate your Friday!
You are now officially past mid-week, and Friday is just on the horizon. Can you see it…? Let the countdown begin!
While you prepare for your week, you kindly visit CFN™ in the hopes of educating yourself and finding a little inspiration. Today, that inspiration comes in the form of Lauren Fondriest’s Classy Lady feature. Lauren launched her own site this year that focuses on fun things to do in Chicago. The site has taught her to be fearless in going for her dreams and to celebrate life (with a little champagne, too).
Perhaps while you search CFN™, you have found that you would like a little more clarity on what each section is. Over the next week, we will devote time in the column explaining some of the sections (thank you to the ladies who have voiced this over email!).
Today, we will focus on the Celebrate section. This section celebrates all things positive – everything from someone holding the door for you, saying “bless you” after you sneezed, to someone getting married and all in between. Can’t get enough of Lauren Bacall’s romance with the legendary Humphrey Bogart? We have shared their love story another day in the section. If you have something positive in your life (your own Humphrey Bogart?), please share it with us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Thank you!
We all make mistakes.
I have made some this week. Maybe you have seen them on the site. All you can do is move forward with a positive attitude.
If you need something to inspire you, read about Lauren Bacall’s glamorous, Hollywood life. Things weren’t always easy for her either, though. Or, read some of the top five stories, and maybe you’ll learn that your life isn’t as bad as you thought it was.
After my morning workout, I felt empowered from the endorphins, writing CFN™, and reading about today’s Classy Lady, Chelsea Stevenson. Chelsea is one of those ladies that is as bright (for both being happy and super intelligent) as any of us could ever hope to be.
Speaking of bright, I returned to my apartment after my bike ride and found a bright light. After realizing I didn’t leave the light on (trying to save on that utilities bill!), I realized that beautiful light wasn’t from a lap – it was the sun.
Had I recently taken a moment to simply enjoy a sunrise or sunset? Not that I can recall. So, from now on, I am going to take a little inspiration from nature and appreciate the beauty that is all around me. Maybe, on this busy Wednesday, you will, too.
After every mistake, there is always a new day and something bright to look forward to.
You have heard the phrase, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle you know nothing about.”
Do we take this into practice each day? It’s easy to let negativity creep in and even easier to justify our behavior if we think something mean. However, everyone you know is battling something you know nothing about. We should be kind.
It’s almost amazing, actually. You think of how easy surface conversations are, how we all want to be positive, we all seek to be loved. All the while, we may be battling something we do not openly discuss. As you may be fighting a battle, remember to be kinder than necessary to everyone, because everyone you encounter is likely fighting some kind of battle, too.
Let’s remember this as we walk into our weekend and hear stories about Ebola breaking out in Africa, fighting resuming in Israel and Palestine, and a continued crisis in Iraq. We are so blessed to call the US home, and we can be blessings in others’ lives if we are always a little kinder than necessary.
Can’t get enough of CFN™?
You don’t have to! We are very excited to announce that CFN™ is now on Pinterest! Check out www.pinterest.com/cfndaily
We are so blessed to have the social media team working so hard to build our social media platform. Shout out to OBN and her crew.
This team wants to share what you want to see. Have any boards you would like us to add? Any inspirational women? Favorite quotes? It’s all on our Pinterest board, and your idea could show up next! Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Here’s to a happy Thursday!
Last night, Maeve and I had one of the loveliest dinners.
Maeve is one of the classiest ladies ever, and we can’t wait to feature her as a Classy Lady some day soon. We talked about first dates, and Maeve said she likes to live by the motto: “It is either a good time or a good story.”
What a wonderful, bright way to go through life! Crazy first dates, days that seem straight from a movie (or maybe your whole life does), reunions, anything – they are all either a good time or a good story.
Maeve’s quote sums up how we should view our lives quite nicely. Your day today will be filled with either a good time or a good story.
Write us what your day is like! We can feature you and how you live Maeve’s motto. Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Happy Wednesday!
Today’s sunny Classy Lady – Serena Sparacino – writes that happiness is a choice.
We have to choose to be happy. Yesterday, I was having a great day, and when something less than desirable happened, I lost a bit of happiness. I chose to let negativity creep in. So, I did what any girl would do – I called my mom.
After listening to me vent for a minute, she asked me about something positive that had happened earlier that day. As I talked, the negativity immediately left my mind, and I continued chatting about my exciting news.
We all let negativity creep in at some points during the day. We’re human; it’s natural. However, as Serena advises, let’s make a conscious effort to choose happiness.
What will get you there? Write down either what makes you happy or what has made you happy that day. You’ll find yourself smiling as you make your list.
Happiness is a choice. Let’s choose to be happy, classy ladies!
PS: One of the things on my happiness list from yesterday: painting these flowers at an art class last night.
Over the weekend, did you happen to meet a man that you would potentially marry one day? Well, whether you did or didn’t, today’s Classy Lady can help you.
The amazing Lindsay Miller-Jones Anderson will cheer you up on this Monday morning. She is both a Life Coach and a matchmaker in Chicago, and she has kindly shared quick dating tips for the ladies of CFN™:
1. Before you start dating ask, “Would you date yourself?” Determine what it is that really makes you happy. And be happy! Like attracts like.
2. People approach dating with the mindset that “I’m here to quickly evaluate you and if you don’t fit everything on the list after date one, then you are tossed back to the dating pond”. What women need to know is that we are wired differently than men in that attraction can develop for us. We see this happen usually after Date 5 or 6! So, if he seems like a good guy, but you aren’t sure if the attraction is there or if you have anything in common, go out with him again!
3. Look for red flags. Crazy can’t hide in the closet too long…it always comes out so trust your gut. If he’s negative, critical, self absorbed or too fast too soon (often confused with sweeping you off your feet so you feel butterflies — which are BAD), then that’s a sign of trouble.
4. Make sure you talk on the phone before meeting anyone out on a date. And set up a Google voice account so you aren’t giving out your cell phone number or business card.
5. Get online! Make sure you have at least 5-7 really great photos of just you. Remember, you are the brand so no pictures with other girlfriends, etc. Make sure your pictures are recent – within 1 year and have full body and head-shots.
6. Write a profile that “shows” rather than “tells”. Rather than say “I’m athletic”, try “living a healthy lifestyle is important to me. I am training for my first marathon in wine country”. Be specific and, most importantly, positive.
7. The biggest and easiest tip I’ll give is just SMILE. Yes, that’s it. If you want to be approachable when you are out, men are looking for sign. So be aware of what your “resting face” looks like. What is your “resting face” when you walk down the street or into an event. People only know what they see on your face so when you smile, you get the halo effect – you are approachable, and people think you are kind and happy. Combine that with 3 seconds of eye contact at an event and I promise, the men will flock. (Practice in the mirror at home when you are talking on the phone).
Interested in learning more (sign us up!)? Go to www.smartdatingacademy.com and fill out a form request under Contact. Mention that you read about SDA on CFN Daily!
Now, that’s a great way to start your week! You just may find the love of your life.
Happy Friday, ladies!
Get ready to rock the weekend with a positive attitude and the feeling that you can do whatever you put your mind to this weekend. This weekend is about you. As we wrote yesterday, what will you do each day to get stronger? Because, you know, nobody puts Baby in the corner!
Maybe, this weekend, you will find your Johnny/Patrick Swayze and your dance groove (“I’ve had the time of my life…”). Maybe, you will do something to empower yourself each day because you will have more time and can enjoy the easy, breezy summer air.
Remember in the beginning of Dirty Dancing when Baby didn’t feel strong? She admitted she was “scared of everything”. At the end of the movie, Baby and Johnny are dancing because Baby found her inner strength. Sometimes, though, we do need someone to lift us up and help us find that inner strength.
Like Baby, nobody puts YOU in the corner. It’s up to you to make that happen. Get STRONG, feel EMPOWERED, and know you are BLESSED.
What are you doing every day to get stronger – physically, emotionally, spiritually? We classy ladies need to see every day as an opportunity to get better every day.
As Aleka said yesterday, nothing miraculously happens overnight, but we can make change every day to be better and to get stronger.
In a world with mean girls, so many things to balance, breakups (both boys and friend breakups), we must take action to get stronger. We must empower ourselves.
Need some inspiration?
Go for a run, a spin, or a dance party in your room (I would love to get classy ladies together and dance to this), and play Ariana Grande’s “Break Free”. You will feel inspired the moment the song starts.
“This is the part when I say I don’t want ya, I’m stronger than I’ve been before, this is the part when I break free.”
In between playing the song, take efforts to solidify your relationships. Relationships of all kinds take work, and they will make you stronger, too.
I can’t wait to start the day because I feel STRONGER after a morning work out, EMPOWERED after reading CFN, and BLESSED to have family and friends.
This is the part when I break free (and maybe go deaf because I played this song so loudly!).
Today’s Classy Lady – Gaby – will inspire you to pursue your dreams and your passions (and maybe turn on that Spice Girls song you danced to in third grade).
With each Classy Lady interview, we like to ask the ladies what they think classy means. The best part of this question is that every lady contributes a very unique answer every time. Classy has so many definitions, and we especially like what Gaby writes being classy means to her:
“I think the biggest problem that I – as well as many of my peers – struggle with most while trying to be a ‘classy’ business woman, friend, family member, is overextending ourselves. We have been taught that it is the ‘right thing’ to say yes and participate as much as possible. As I get further into my business, into adulthood, homeownership…etc., I am finding that the classiest thing I can do is only say yes to as much as I can handle and handle WELL. I don’t think that I am by any means where I need to be with that skill (its hard to say no!), but when I do succeed, I find that I am happier, produce better (for work, family and friends) and that the people I interact with are happier and more pleased with me as well!”
Gaby continues, “Knowing your limits and sticking to them today is hard. I think there is nothing classier or more impressive when someone can admit where they need to draw the line for themselves.”
It’s really easy to say yes. Sometimes, we do need to say no.
However, here’s something you definitely need to say yes to: Gaby’s photos! Check them out here.
The lovely and beautiful-from-the-inside-out Alex Maurer (today’s Classy Lady) has inspired us to write you about books on this fun Friday.
Alex loves books. You can find her on a subway reading all kinds of genres (from thrillers to The Fault in Our Stars), and you can find her in a New York publishing house.
It is important to read. Reading can be enlightening, enjoyable, and an experience that can connect you with many others. At CFN™, we love to read, too. Need some book tips? (Check out Alex’s article for her tips, too!)
Divergent series – if you’re looking for a quick summer read, you may enjoy the trilogy about Tris and her mission to save the world. Even if you didn’t like Hunger Games, you may enjoy this series (we sure did).
Steve Jobs – every girl needs to keep a biography in her arsenal, especially if she’s in the business world. If you’ve ever owned an Apple product, we promise this book will thrill you.
The Engagements – a cute story of how a diamond ring unites four people. It’s more dense than a beach read, but you’ll enjoy every page (and check out the cover – what girl wouldn’t want to buy this book after seeing the cover?).
Into Thin Air – the story of one of Mount Everest’s biggest disasters. You’ll read the book in two days because you’ll be so fascinated.
Bossypants – we’d read Tina Fey’s book on the bus and try not to laugh out loud (which sounds like you’re silently crying).
What are you reading? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
While walking the pup last night, “Barefoot Blue Jean Night” came on my iPod. If you like country music at all and need a happy, summer song, this song will get the job done.
The song celebrates summer love and bonfires with your friends (“blue eyes and auburn hair, sitting looking pretty by the fire in a lawn chair”; I don’t have blue eyes and auburn hair or anything…). It took me back to a summer of real love and true friends.
It’s been at least three summers since we had a bonfire in my hometown and when everything was the way it used to be. I could look back on those years with sadness and quote a different country song that “we were far too young to know that summers end”. Or, I could look back on the years and smile.
Some of you out there may know what real, true love is. A summer of bonfires, true friends (let’s call them “barefoot and cute dress nights”), and true love turned into four summers and three years. It was the happiest I’ve ever been.
If you know real love, you know the answer is to be happy that your loved one (in whatever form of love it’s now in) is happy. As that saying goes, don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened. I’ll add – and if there were bonfires and summer love in between, enjoy every moment of it.
It’s Prince George’s first birthday!
You can get the whole scoop today’s Celebrate section, but we thought it was definitely worth mentioning again (also, any excuse to celebrate our inaugural Classy Lady, Kate Middleton, right?).
Looking for another positive way to start your day? Check out today’s Classy Lady – Meghan Eagan. She has spent her life working in philanthropy, has an adorable baby, and makes exquisite jewelry. She may inspire you to pick up that last art project you’ve been meaning to get to or to volunteer.
Let’s celebrate today! What are you celebrating? Did someone hold the door for you? Did someone say “thank you”? Did your boyfriend send you flowers? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
There is so much to know today.
Fighting from all over the world has intensified, and most countries seem affected. Israel and Palestine’s battles have officially led to over 500 deaths (mostly civilian). 298 people died on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 last Thursday, after the plane was shot down over a Ukraine battle city. Most point the finger at Russia, but no official responsibility has been claimed.
Crises continue in Iraq, Nigeria (where the kidnapped girls have not yet been found), and more. Do you feel well informed?
Audrey wants to know how you are enjoying CFN™ (and yes, we do, too!). What topic would you like to know more about? Do you feel informed enough after reading CFN™? Do you walk into work or the classroom feeling confident, educated, and inspired?
Please let us know. Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
We are here to empower, inspire, and celebrate you.
Today, the world mourns.
Nearly 300 people were killed in an airplane that was shot down over one of the major cities in the Ukraine/Russia conflict. The world mourns these innocent civilians who were killed, likely at the hands of Russia (although Russia denies involvement).
Israel launched a ground invasion against Hamas in Palestine. Onlookers expect the casualties to substantially increase through the ground invasion.
We have to have hope. We have to believe that good is around the corner. More importantly, we have to take action on that hope. How are we making a difference?
You can do little things. You can inform yourself about what is going on. You can approach your day with a positive attitude.
You can be like our classy ladies who reach for their dreams (see Sashé Taylor’s new video here). Classy Lady Sashé Taylor dares you to love her in her new music video. I dare you, too, and I dare you to act on your hope.
Take action to make the world a better place. Be brave. Be nice. Be fierce. Be classy.
What news story has impacted you the most?
Personally, I am most impacted by the situation in Israel and Palestine. The two sides have been fighting for so many years, I worry this most recent conflict is the beginning of an even longer stretch of fighting. However, my worries have been put to rest (at least for five hours), since Israel and Hamas (the terrorist group in Palestine) have agreed to a truce.
One continent over, German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrates her 60th birthday today in Berlin. Move a little further west, and you’ll find Tiger Woods in full swing in the British Open. Move across the pond, and you’ll learn why Fed Chair Janet Yellen does not want to tie interest rates to a formula.
Much is happening in the world. If you need help keeping up or understanding a story, let us know. It’s what we’re here for (well, we’re also here to bring you some inspiration, too).
Today, Sashé Taylor (pictured) is sharing her new music video in Chicago. We will post about it on Facebook and would love to see you there!
The world is facing several crises.
Fighting between Israel and Hamas has intensified so much that over 200 Palestinians have been killed (including many women and children), and the first Israeli civilian has been killed. Tensions and fighting continue in Ukraine. The Iraq situation is not yet resolved. The US faces a border crisis that has already led to 38 deportations.
You need to know the news. Ultimately, that is what CFN™’s goal is – to empower and educate a classy reader. Why do you need to know what is going on in the world? Well, the news will affect you in some way. Either you need to know the news for your job, for a news pop quiz in your American Government summer school course, or because you want an explanation for why gas prices are higher.
More importantly, knowing the news will empower you.
Hopefully, at CFN™, you’ve seen that we try to make the learning the news fun. While you spend five minutes reading the top five stories, you can peruse through Jackie Kennedy’s Classy Lady feature (there were so many glamorous photos of her to choose from!), and you can find what classy ladies are celebrating.
How can we make your experience better? Please write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
We all have dreams. How are you reaching for yours?
Maybe, you’re in college, and you’re still identifying what those dreams are. Maybe, you’re fifty and still identifying what they are. There isn’t always a timetable to identify what your dream is, but chances are, your heart already knows.
Follow your dreams. It’s too easy to let time pass and ignore where you should be. You can take a step each day to follow your dream.
Sashé Taylor is today’s Classy Lady, she will most definitely inspire you to chase a dream or two. She will also inspire you to support her dream. She is releasing a music video this Thursday in Chicago, and if you are available, you should be there. Fellow classy ladies have to support fellow classy ladies!
One of Sashé Taylor’s fabulous songs is “Dare You to Love Me”. I bet Sashé Taylor would also dare you to follow your dream and to be brave.
Write us about your dream. We would love to hear your story and how you are making it happen. At CFN™, we believe you can make your dreams come true.
“Every morning, when I wake up, and I see there’s a whole new other day, I just go absolutely ape!” – Audrey Hepburn, Paris When It Sizzles.
Paris When It Sizzles is my favorite Audrey movie. The movie takes place on Bastille Day in France: July 14. (If you haven’t seen it, run, don’t walk.)
Today, Parisians celebrate the storming of the Bastille that occurred in 1789. It’s a national holiday in France. Today, Germans continue celebrating their World Cup victory.
At CFN™, we’d like to start off this Monday by celebrating, too. We celebrate Maureen Chiquet, the classy American in Paris who found herself CEO of one of the most iconic French brands in the world – Chanel. We celebrate Colbie Caillat, whose new music video celebrates women’s natural inner and outer beauty.
What are you celebrating? You know where this is headed… we would love to feature your celebrations! Please write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Can you already feel that happy Friday feeling?
If you’re in Chicago, tonight is a big night for you. Tonight, you are probably attending Night Heist, which is hosted by the Art Institute of Chicago’s Evening Associates. Tonight, these art-enthused citizens will enjoy the museum and the current Magritte exhibit at night. It is the party of the season, and it’ll be a wonderful event.
Outside Chicago, you are embarking on your own Friday night adventures. If you’re in Brazil, you’re waiting for Saturday and Sunday, when the final two World Cup games will be played. Who will win – Germany or the Argentina? Will the Netherlands be in third place or will Brazil? This weekend will give color to these questions that World Cup fans have waited four years for.
This weekend, you will find something to celebrate. When you do, please write us at cfn@cfndaily.com. Your aspirations, accomplishments, and celebrations deserve to be celebrated. We would love to feature you.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Do you have a “Nice Emails” folder? If you don’t have “Nice Email” folder, you may want to open one.
What is a “Nice Emails” folder? It’s simply a place where you can store your nice emails on your much-too-filled email inbox. If someone sends you a nice email, you click and drag the email to the folder. So, when a rainy day comes – and a good one! – you can sneak a peak at the nice emails you have received.
A “Nice Emails” folder will make your day a bit brighter. You’ll find yourself sending nice emails simply so others can have a nice email in their day. I took a peak at mine yesterday and couldn’t stop smiling as I scrolled through them.
A nice email should never be deleted. A nice email is a reminder that the world is ultimately a beautiful place.
Need more proof? Read about today’s Classy Lady in her own words (she wants to spend her life encouraging countries and people to find peace). You can also read about Cassie’s determination in today’s Celebrate column.
Convinced yet? Open a “Nice Emails” folder, and you’ll feel more joy than you may expect.
I am a cupcake fanatic – so much so that if you knew me four years ago, you might think CFN meant Cupcakes For Now.
Well, one of the sweetest stores doesn’t have the sweetest news – Crumb’s Bake Shop (famous for its huge and delicious cupcakes) has declared bankruptcy and is now out of business.
It’s a tough market out there. Stocks may be targeting record levels, but things may not be as sweet as they may seem. Unemployment is still high, the market still has massive support from the Federal Reserve, and now, people have fewer cupcake choices.
While Magnolia Bakery will always remain the cupcake queen of this girl’s heart, we mourn Crumbs’ loss. I may just need to find a (pink – vanilla – confetti frosting – Magnolia) cupcake.
Happy Wednesday!
Ladies around the world are rocking it.
Classy Lady Kaitlyn Mekertichian is wow-ing the world with her filmmaking skills, and her Kickstarter Campaign needs your contributions to make her dream a reality. Taylor Swift amazed readers with her op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, where she writes that music will continue to be a “love story”.
Helene Neville has beaten cancer four times, and she just completed a 2,000-mile race. She’s not done yet. She has a 3,800-mile race to prepare for next year. Over the weekend, 63 Nigerian women escaped captivity from an Islamist militant group.
Ladies like you are showing the world what a positive force we are. It is up to us to continue to set an example, as Kaitlyn, Taylor, and Helene do every day.
Who are the ladies in your life that amaze you? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Our Classy Ladies sparkle. Their happiness radiates through their inner and outer beauty, and they inspire us to be the best we can be.
I personally love when Classy Ladies have happy blogs. This way, you can continue to follow these Classy Ladies you have come to love and find inspiration from.
Today’s Classy Lady – Amy Breckenridge – is happy and beautiful from the inside out. She writes an absolutely delightful blog called Cupcakes & Couture. As classy readers, you will enjoy Amy’s take on fashion, travel (you must check out her recent trip to Paris), recipes, and how to appreciate the little things in life.
We are “spinning like a girl in a brand new dress” to feature Amy. Especially after a busy holiday weekend when we might wish we had just an extra day of vacation, Amy’s glow puts the positive spring in our step we may need on this Monday.
Thanks to Amy and to ladies like Amy who share how they view the world with such beauty.
Happy 4th of July!
Hope you enjoy spending this dear holiday with loved ones. We get to celebrate our wonderful country, and there’s no better way than with a barbeque and a dog named Brian (our family’s puppy).
Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com to tell us how you plan to celebrate your fourth, and it may just be featured on the site!
To fully celebrate the holiday, CFN™ will be off tomorrow.
Enjoy the day!
Do you just need a dance party?
I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I need to put headphones on, turn the music pretty loud and dance. Lately, I’ve been blasting “Boom Clap”, a song that was written for The Fault In Our Stars (yes, obsessed with the movie).
Boom, clap, the sound of my heart, the beat goes on and on and on…
Trust me, it’s catchy. If you need some inspiration to get you through the second half of your week, I recommend a dance party this morning. I know I’ll have one after the site is updated!
Boom clap!
Hazel & Gus forever.
Happy Mid Year!
Six months from now, you’ll gather with friends, family, and other loved ones to celebrate the start of 2015. Why not start celebrating the second half of 2014?
What are your goals for the second half of this year? What were those New Years resolutions you didn’t quite get to? Guess what – today is a fresh start of the second half of the year, and you can reclaim those resolutions that may have lost their way.
Whatever your goals are – working out more, eating better, trying new restaurants, making your bed every morning, anything – you can make it happen! CFN™ absolutely believes you can do it.
You and the US men’s soccer team are going to shoot for your goals today. You can do it!
11 years ago on Sunday, we lost Eileen Lupton (affectionately known as “Leenie”) in the Chicago porch collapse of 2003. Leenie was 22, had graduated from college the previous month, and had just accepted a job at Lurie Children’s to be a nurse.
Every June 29th – every day really – we remember our precious Leenie. We remember to cherish our loved ones and each day because each day is truly a gift.
After 9/11, Leenie sent this email to her friends:
I know it has been a while since we all emailed one another, but I thought today would be a nice day to contact all of you and remind everyone how truly lucky we are and to make the most of each day…life is too short and you never know what tomorrow may bring. I am sure all of you will, but just please don’t forget to take the time to visit a church or do something in remembrance of those who lost their lives on 9/11.
We love you, Leenie. God got His angel back.
I have Herman Munster feet.
My feet are so big, I couldn’t buy those famous Steve Madden shoes in sixth grade because I would have looked like Herman Munster. I had a size ten shoe in sixth grade, while every other girl seemingly had dainty feet.
I used to complain about my feet. They are so big. I am like Frankenstein. I hate my feet!
One day, my mom turned to me and said, “You have feet, CFN. You are blessed.”
How true are those words. Jeff Bauman survived the Boston Marathon but will never walk again (we celebrate him today). Suddenly, complaining about my feet felt silly and little.
We all have little things that bug us, whether it’s our humongous feet, goofy nose, or what have you. Guess what! All of those things make you both special and blessed.
I may not be buying those shoes that make me look like Herman Munster, but I am quite blessed to be able to go for a run after work and enjoy walking on my own two feet.
Most days, we take a Classy Lady’s own words and write about her in third person. Hopefully, you are able to tell the Classy Lady’s voice, tone, and even where she laughs in every article.
Today, Kelsey is our Classy Lady, and we decided to let her words speak for herself. Kelsey lives by a motto that fits her perfectly: “You’ve always got to get back on the horse.”
Are you getting back on the horse today? Do you know a Classy Lady who always gets back on the horse? Together, we will celebrate these women. In an age where it can be too easy for women to bring each other down, let’s bring women up. Let’s all get back on the horse.
The world is all about soccer at the moment. The main thing to know about the World Cup this week: the US plays Germany tomorrow, and if the US can even tie the game, the team will advance to the next round.
We’d like to shift your attention to Wimbledon, England, where Serena Williams (an incredible tennis player who has been the world’s top ranking female tennis player for essentially 12 years) shared these words about her tournament this year:
“I’m going to go home and work five times as hard to make sure I never lose again. If I couldn’t play better, I would be even more disappointed. But I know I can, so I know I have something to look forward to,” Serena says.
You may not be a Wimbledon champion, but you’re a champion of and for something else. Go find it, and go work five times harder than the rest of them.
A wise man once told me that if you’re having a bad day, go to the lake (and maybe you’ll see that cute pig to our right. He’s so cute, I needed to leave him up another day). After all, aren’t the best things in life free?
Yes, that’s very true. However, I think we’ve all watched Legally Blonde enough to know that sometimes, the next best thing is a manicure. I’ve had bright pink on my nails since Friday, and I have to tell you – that little burst of pink is such fun to look at.
So, if you feel like you’re treading water, at least you’ll do it with a brush of color. Then, go to the lake.
Today, we hear about people who have relied on other people to either literally save their life or to accomplish a lifetime achievement.
Michelle Wie won the US Women’s Open yesterday and said the faith people have in her kept her going. Iraq is looking to other countries (including the US) for assistance in the current insurgency. An off-duty detective and firefighter saved two people who were literally treading water for 14 hours yesterday.
Whatever we seek to do, at times, we will feel like we’re treading water. We will need the help of others. We cannot always go at it alone. Whether it’s your faith, your family, your friends, and even a little inspiration from CFN™, you are never alone.
Remember that as you embrace a (rainy) Monday morning (and remember that cute pig to the right).
It’s Friday. You’ve possibly been ready for the weekend since Monday or even late Sunday evening.
Here is some advice before going into the weekend: be yourself.
Sometimes, we have many sides to us. Some days, I feel like a chameleon – I can be preppy (found in many pink and green dresses), I enjoy time on my grandma’s farm (sans makeup), I can be found in all black walking in New York (trés chic), and can be seen bopping around Chicago.
One day, I missed New York so much and thought, I’m just going to wear all black even if I’m in Chicago (you don’t see too much of that here on a weekend in the summer). Let’s clarify, it was a chic kind of all black. I worried – but I’m not in NYC, where that is normal, how would wearing all black look?
The second that question popped in my mind, I knew I had to wear the all black outfit to subdue the “What will other people think?” attitude. If there are many parts to you, celebrate them. If you’ve lived everywhere, or wanted to live somewhere else, or feel like your style for that particular day doesn’t mesh with the city you’re in – it does not matter.
Celebrate yourself. Make the streets of your city your runway. Own it.
Yesterday, I had to walk to a meeting and immediately regretted the morning when I thought Chicago probably wouldn’t have heavy rain. It’s always the days you don’t bring a raincoat or rain boots (like yesterday) that it not only rains, it pours.
I only had to complete a 15-minute walk, but of course, as I kept walking, the rain kept intensifying. Did I mention my computer was in my purse (and has been glaring at me to back up my contents for some time now)?
I had a choice. I could try to call my mom and cry, panicked that my computer would die. But, I was literally holding CFN (through my laptop) and thought, nope, I need to see this as something positive.
Ever seen “Midnight in Paris”? In the movie, Owen Wilson’s character celebrates walking in the rain in Paris. Last night, I made Chicago my Paris. Once that attitude shift happened, I suddenly had fun getting soaked (in my nice shoes), and instead of sharing misery smiles with people on the street, I gave them a genuine one.
We have a choice to make. We all walk in the rain – metaphorically and literally – and can choose to see our life events as positive. Ultimately, you only walk toward something better. If you don’t see now, you soon will.
Regardless, every storm eventually runs out of rain.
There is a lot of fighting in the world today.
You read about the ISIS uprising in Iraq and how it may cause a civil war. You read about a suspect who may have been behind the attacks in Benghazi. Unfortunately, our world has a lot more fighting stories than our site can even mention.
There are also true heroes out there who are fighting – fighting for good, fighting for a dream, and maybe fighting for their lives. Today’s Classy Lady is Abby Wood, and Abby spent years fighting cancer. Not only did Abby fight and then conquer her Stage IV cancer diagnosis, Abby also shares her positive attitude, her inspiration, and how grateful she is to simply be alive.
We like to be clear at CFN™ that life isn’t perfect or even classy all the time (the site is Classy Features and News™ not “Classy News and Features”). Even so, there is good, there is joy, and there are people who fight for something positive – like Abby.
Do you want to hear the happiest fact?
On the site, we celebrate all classy women – whether you’re a self described “science nerd” like our fabulous classy lady today, a CEO of a company (like Tory Burch), a princess (like our first classy lady ever – Kate Middleton), a blogger and classy fashionista (like Ashley and Kaitlin), advocating for water rights (like Katherine), and anything.
Do you want to know which women have inspired you the most? According to the numbers, the women that inspire you are the women that are all around you. They may not be celebrities in the traditional sense, but they are CFN celebrities! And you, the classy readers, make this all possible.
Who are the classy ladies in your life? Fellow classy ladies need to stick up for fellow classy ladies. Nominate them and even nominate yourself. We want to celebrate you and your accomplishments. We hope you leave the site every day as Danielle does – feeling proud of your fellow classy ladies and inspired to see the good.
Today, people around the world are celebrating – especially in the world of sports. Today’s sports column has everything you need to know, between the LA Kings winning the Stanley Cup Championship, to the San Antonio Spurs taking the heat from the Miami Heat to win the NBA Championship title, to the first German to win the US Open (a golf tournament), and to the US vs. Ghana soccer game tonight.
What are you celebrating? On Wednesdays, today’s Classy Lady celebrates weddings. While her wedding may have been almost one year ago, Ashley continues to celebrate weddings and the sparkle that is all around her (how sweet is this picture of Ashley and her sister, Paige?).
You also spent Sunday celebrating your dad, your grandfather, and your father figures in some way. Tell us more. We love to celebrate, and we especially love to celebrate you! Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Have a beautiful Monday!
The start of summer may have your mind stepping right out of spring and springing into a summer vacation. When we travel, we (usually) think the places we visit are amazing. We enjoy the people, the food, the culture – even if we only head a state away. There is something peaceful about getting away, especially in the summer.
We should also realize that summer is amazing in our own city, too. Sometimes, we need to look up and remind ourselves of exactly what is around us. One day, I actually looked up while walking home, and I noticed just how beautiful the skyline is. How often do we actually just look out the window and appreciate our surroundings?
Classy ladies – get out there and travel! The weekend is almost here, so you’ll have time to plan your next getaway. Just remember, your city is there to love you back. Sometimes, you just need to look up.
Today’s site highlights love. Our Classy Lady, Jennifer Peacock, is pursuing her love of music. While doing that, she fell in love with New York.
Eleven years ago, a family welcomed a baby bichipoo with loving arms and has been crazy about their Brian ever since (happy birthday, Brian!).
It is important to remember the people, the animals, and the places we love. I hope we remember, though, to always love ourselves.
We are our toughest critics. If we eat too much, if we keep going back to the boy we shouldn’t, if we mess something up at work, if we let a friend down, etc. We must move forward, knowing that every day is an opportunity for self improvement.
Let’s celebrate the things and the people we love. We love you, too!
Write us what you love: cfn@cfndaily.com.
When you run, what motivates you more – an aggressive song or something more positive?
We all get pumped up after we turn up songs like “Since U Been Gone” (Kelly Clarkson is classic) or even Ariana Grande’s new hit, “Problem”.
“I’ve got one less problem without you.”
There is certainly a time and place for venting your emotions that way, especially in the thick of a breakup. Maybe you don’t run to Taylor Swift’s “All Too Well” (“You call me up again just to break me like a promise”), but every girl I know has played that song about 1,000 times (including me…).
What if we make a conscious effort to remove those kinds of songs from our playlists, whether we’re on the bus, subway, or finishing our daily run? What if we turn down the negative and turn up the positive?
Try this. In my runs this week, I’ve been playing Coldplay’s “A Sky Full of Stars” (and maybe pretending I am Hazel from “The Fault In Our Stars”, and Gus just said he loved me). The song has a great tempo, and you’ll feel motivated to go faster. More importantly, you’ll feel motivated to feel positive.
Negative songs may pump us up but ultimately make us feel negative. Let’s turn up the positive.
Have you seen “The Fault In Our Stars” yet? If you haven’t, run, don’t walk, to your nearest movie theater.
Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters are two cancer patients that fall in love. The movie follows their sweet love story — and the trials and celebrations that come with falling in love.
At one point, Hazel Grace uses her cancer to hide her true feelings for Gus. While many of us who don’t have cancer watched the film, perhaps, we noticed that we all have excuses that we occasionally use to distance love. We do this out of fear of getting hurt, and in Hazel’s case, for fear of hurting both herself and those around her.
Hazel and Gus remind us that we should be fearless in love. We should love with everything we have. We shouldn’t let excuses and fear of broken hearts impede our ability to love. It’s easy to do — I realized on the bus one day that my heart will probably break a bunch more until the one comes around (if he’s out there).
The movie is the best movie I’ve ever seen. Go with your girlfriends (or mom!), and brings lots of tissue. You’ll leave the theater in tears but happy that someone out there (even in movie land) has a love like Gus and Hazel.
First, we’d like to apologize for the delay in writing to you. Due to extenuating circumstances, the site was unavailable for a few weeks. The good news is that this will never happen again, as all the issues have now been resolved.
Today, we’d like to celebrate the women everywhere who turn hardship into positivity. It is exceptionally easy to be negative, especially in today’s world. Today’s Classy Lady may have just won the Miss USA competition on Sunday evening, but she also lived in a women’s shelter for a period growing up. Nia Sanchez turned hardship into something beautifully positive.
When you are feeling negative, do something positive for someone else. I felt terrible all last week, and whenever I wanted to tear up, I tried to email someone a compliment. When I received their “thank you” emails back, positive sentiment came back to me.
I also put a lilac on my nightstand and was able to smell the scent of summer’s bliss first thing in the morning. There’s something special about flowers, and they’re a constant reminder of beauty in our world.
Some days, it’s easy to be positive. Others, it’s more of a challenge. We need to commit to take each day and make it positive in some way. Sometimes, it’s hard to see through a fog, but we must know, the fog will eventually clear.
What is your story? We’d love to celebrate you. Feel free to email cfn@cfndaily.com.
Life isn’t always a dozen roses every minute of every day, but we should still wake up happy to smell the lilacs.
Today is going to be a terrific Tuesday.
Take today to do something for yourself. The weather is starting to get nicer — maybe take a walk home from work. Read ten pages of that book you have been meaning to read for six months.
Each day, we can take (baby) steps to doing something that is better for us. Sometimes, that means something as little as saying no to a second dessert or saying no to the boy/friend that doesn’t treat you right. Sometimes, that means standing up for yourself in a big way.
The good is out there. Sometimes, as we head into the trenches of the week, it gets harder and harder to see until Friday emerges. Try not to bury yourself during the week. Get out from the trench of work, school, all of your other commitments, and take ten minutes to do something positive for yourself.
Why? Because you deserve it.
Someone I heard speak yesterday said we are all balancing balls in our life – some are made of crystal, some are made of rubber. Your health and your spirit are the crystal balls. Don’t let them break.
You can do it.
You may have scrolled through your Facebook minifeed over the weekend and found that just about everyone you know knows someone who graduated from college this weekend. How absolutely exciting (go Olivia)! These graduates have completed a life tile (ever played the Game of Life?) and are on an even more exciting path as they discover where their journey will take them.
While some of us were given a diploma this weekend and officially graduated from one phase to the next, the rest of us can graduate, too. You can graduate from difficult social situations, a relationship that is no longer positive, or, you can graduate from something you have already accomplished. Through graduating, you can walk away from a situation that is either no longer good for you or has taught you all the lessons you need.
We graduate. After college or graduate school, there may not be another diploma, but we graduate. We walk off the stage to something even more exciting. On the journey of life, there is always something more positive ahead.
In a way, we are all the Class of 2014. As Elle Woods would say, “We did it!”
What are you graduating from today? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Happy Friday!
We think it will be a fantastic Friday because we are so inspired today. The Celebrate story has really moved us, and we believe it will inspire you, too.
Everyone has a story. While we like to celebrate the roses in life at CFN™, life isn’t always a dozen roses from the love of your life. Maybe, you are even overcoming a challenge right now.
At CFN™, you can share your story. We will celebrate you. Successfully overcoming a challenge and doing so with grace is even more classy than looking like Audrey Hepburn on a glamorous night out.
What is your story? We would love to hear it at cfn@cfndaily.com. Your feedback is so appreciated.
Yesterday, we wrote about running – that no matter where you are, you are running. You run away from things, and you run toward them. Whether you are running on a treadmill or not, you run. Run right.
On that run, you need to believe in yourself. Believing in your possibilities is one of the greatest gifts you could give yourself. Once you believe in yourself, you can make your dreams a reality. You will trust your heart, which is already ready to guide you and lead you to what is right.
Along the way, you will need someone to hold your hand. Someone will need to hold yours. The sweet couple in today’s Celebrate section believe this, too. We can’t do it alone, but we need to believe in ourselves before we can even start.
Whether it’s as simple as, “I believe I can make it through the week” or as complex as, “I believe I can start my own company”, nothing is too small for you to accomplish.
You’re the best readers out there, and we believe in you!
What are you running to? What are you running from?
When you run on a treadmill, you are running toward a better body and a better soul. When you do something positive for yourself, you are running toward a better future.
Is there anything you are running from? Are you running from something negative – a bad relationship, a rocky job – to something better? Or, are you running from something positive – like hard work?
Every day, we run. Whether it’s literally running on a treadmill or running to or away from something, we run.
Every day, we need to be conscious of where we are running. Somehow, time slips by, and you better wake up and run before you find you’re left behind.
Get up. Show up. Run to something positive and run from the negatives. Leave the bad boy behind, leave the cliques, and run to something better. It is up to you to choose which direction you run. Run right.
Sometimes, things seem too heavy. You can’t turn on the TV without seeing something dark, whether it’s Scandal or Revenge being darker than you could possibly imagine, or the news.
It seems like once beloved TV shows are really getting dark. I wanted to turn off Revenge as the finale reached such dark levels, but it was almost like watching the accident you can’t turn away from.
In response, how about we turn to something more sparkly? Jessie and Eric got engaged last week (future fiancée, take a look at her ring – it’s gorgeous) after dating long distance for five years, the Washington Monument is back up and running after three years, and Taylor Swift has been singing about every emotion you have ever felt for nearly ten years.
People wonder why I am so Gossip Girl obsessed (the show ended almost two years ago, and I still watch about three episodes a week). Gossip Girl is (mostly) happy. It’s a TV show with a little sprinkling of glitter with the glitz and glamour of Manhattan. Who needs to watch so much darkness?
This site is also meant to add some sparkle into your life. Tell us about the sparkle you are seeing at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Happy Monday!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed celebrating your mamas. At CFN™, we like to celebrate the good and the classy that we see in the world. If you are ever doubtful about the good in the world around you, scroll through your Facebook mini-feed on Mother’s Day.
Countless friends posted pictures of their mothers (the 80s flashback ones were priceless). Women everywhere were celebrating their mothers who have given them life, love, and happiness.
The good news is that Mother’s Day isn’t just one day a year (I bet you’re glad to hear that, Mom!). We can honor the women around us every day, especially our mothers. We believe in this at CFN™ and would love to feature your story.
Today, we are thrilled to feature the lovely Kelly Nicastro as today’s Classy Lady. Kelly’s positive view on life, her work ethic, and her inner and outer beauty radiate as she navigates her career in journalism and shares her story with CFN™.
Who is the “Kelly” in your life? Who is inspiring you? Who is encouraging you to pursue your dreams? Write us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Have a fantastic day!
You’ve made it! While it may be pouring rain in Chicago, it’s Friday. Friday means a fresh start to the weekend, and the day is always pumped up with excitement about what lays ahead over the next two days. As someone once joked with me, “I think everyone should leave their work or school at 3pm on Friday. I mean, everyone is seriously done by then.”
While I do agree with this theory, Friday in general is a fabulous day. What are you celebrating?
This weekend, you will celebrate your mother. Your mother is always there for you. She loves you more than you could possibly imagine (so I hear; thanks, Mom!). She is there for you when you’re sick, when you wanted to skip Geometry class and went shopping with her instead, when you call her at all hours of the day and she always picks up (except after 9pm), she’s there for you even when she thinks you’re acting crazy – she’s there for you always.
Send us your mama stories, and we’ll feature them next week. Please send your stories to cfn@cfndaily.com.
Happy Mother’s Day!
It’s Thursday. You’re ready for Friday. It’s been a long week. You’re looking forward to brunch with your besties on Saturday, what to wear on your Grouper date on Friday night – you’re ready for the weekend.
Well, maybe it’s time for a little Thursday pick-me-up. Do you know there were so many good stories today to choose from that it was actually tough to pick a great celebrate story?
First, Helena Costa has become the first woman who will coach a major soccer team. Talk about girl power! Second, a newborn baby was pronounced dead but lay on his mother’s chest for two hours. She talked to him and let him feel her heartbeat. Absolutely miraculously, this baby is now alive.
The good news continues – a man in Peru fell 5,000 feet after his parachute was tangled in a skydiving incident. When every doctor said the man should be dead, he is alive. A friend also announced she is now engaged (we hope to feature her story soon – it is so sweet!). Good is all around you.
What good are you seeing? Email us at cfn@cfndaily.com.
Hope this helped you find a little inspiration in your Thursday!
Today’s world events are certainly shaping the news today, whether it involves the Prime Minister of Thailand being forced to leave her office, a Nigerian terrorist group who kidnapped over 200 girls and continues to cause terror, or the ongoing Ukrainian crisis. The world needs more people like Katherine Straus.
Katherine is today’s Classy Lady, and she has devoted her life to service across the globe. You will learn more about Katherine in the article, but we wanted to write a letter to Katherine to truly express our thanks.
Katherine has inspired us at CFN™. Katherine follows her passions and her beliefs. She has spent years advocating for women and for giving back to her community. She is also a firm believer in being proud of who we are as women and being unafraid to be true to yourself.
In an age where cliques are common, where girls can be so mean to girls they call their friends, and where it can be easy to be untrue to yourself, Katherine reminds classy girls everywhere to stay strong and to be proud of who you are.
Katherine, thank you for all that you do for women across the globe. Your goodness inspires us. Whether you’re helping to string Christmas lights across the back of your yard’s fence so a girl and her boyfriend can have a romantic moment, you’re leading a Kairos retreat, you’re volunteering in a Peruvian women’s prison or sharing about your faith, you are beautiful from the inside out. Thank you for being who you are.
With so much love,
It’s easy to worry about things we need to do for our career or our physical state. Running four times a week will help you stay in shape, and staying late at the office may help you get a promotion sooner than you expected. Studying today for an exam three weeks out will help you ace the test.
We can sometimes forget just how important it is to not only improve our grades, our career, or our muscles, but also our soul. Luckily, workouts can improve our soul (downward dogs can definitely help with that) and so can the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re doing your best in school or at work.
There’s something else we can do to feed our soul: reading. When was the last time you read a book? Would you like to be reading more? Books can inspire us. We can lose ourselves in a world back to the time of Jane Eyre and her Mr. Rochester, to Steve Jobs creating the first Apple computer, or to Coco Chanel’s time in Paris. You can also travel forward, whether through Veronica Roth’s Divergent series or through Orwell’s 1984. Wherever you are, books can transport you to another time and another place.
Reading is truly a beautiful thing. Books can move you in a way that running on a treadmill cannot. Books can also relax you and make you laugh (today’s Classy Lady’s book is hilarious). I just finished the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson (and may or may not have cried at the end), and I have never felt so inspired to create.
Do something for yourself. Someone once told me, “Try to read 10 pages a day. You’ll be surprised at just how far that gets you.”
“You are what you eat.” Every woman wants to be beautiful, from the inside out, right? Well, your literal insides also want to feel beautiful, and that’s where a plant-based diet comes in.
Today’s Classy Lady – Katie Simmons – expertly identifies the importance of a plant-based diet and encourages others to see the benefits. Katie says “plants rule”, and her website offers daily reminders, recipes, and gorgeous pictures to remind us why plants rule. She would also probably tell you that squats rule – you’ll have to read the whole article to find out why!
Katie inspires women to be the best version of themselves. She is perfect as our first real Classy Lady. You can follow Katie on Twitter, Instragram, her blog, and her website. She is accessible to you. You can find her rocking her workouts in Chicago, and you can learn from her (I certainly do. Whole Foods tour, anyone?).
Who is the “Katie” in your life? Who inspires you to be better, to find the positives, to enjoy working out early in the morning (while rocking out to dance tunes, of course), to eat better? (Do veggie chips count as a plant-based diet? I think I need Katie’s help!)
Women like Katie are all around you, and at CFN™, we would love to hear how they are inspiring you. Women like Kate Middleton are amazing and will continue to be featured on this site, but we are also interested in women like you. They are all over wherever you are, and at CFN™, we can’t wait to bring them to you. Feel free to email your Classy Lady inspirations to cfn@cfndaily.com.
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